22 yrs old. 5’9’’ 175 pounds.
I’m looking to try sarms but I don’t want to spend a fortune for them
looking at some of the cycle in post-cycle recommendations on here it’s gonna run me over a thousand dollars easy which I think is silly.
Can’t I just use ostarine 25mgs a day for 8 weeks and get...
Would ostarine go good with nutrobal if I wanted to stack sarms or should I go with something else? Looking for recovery boosting
I’m looking at doing 25mgs of nutrobal.
Ostarine I have seen dosing from anywhere at 10 milligrams up to 50 milligrams. I’m a 240 pound male should I just shoot for...
I was wondering how much leaner a person is capable of getting on sarms? What have your experience has been when it comes to leaning up severely on it.
I’m currently 10% and that’s the lowest I’ve been since I was a teenager. I’m now 38 years old and I would like to cut down even further Maybe...
I’m 8 weeks away from a wedding and I’m gonna be seeing a lot of people from high school and college I haven’t seen in a while. Back then I was The Jock that was in great shape so it’s embarrassing that I’m now 250 pounds and out of shape
looking to do a fast sarms cutting cycle
my plan is:
38 years old
5’9’’ 180 pounds
I’m looking to use sarms purely for training purposes
I do weight training, high intensity cardio and lots of swimming. Want to get benefits across those 3 areas with sarms
I’ve heard good things about recovery with ostarine, that one sounds good. What about using...
I’m a shorter guy 5’5’’ and used to wrestle in high school
now I’m just trying to get more athletic and push myself to improve my muscle size and strength
my weight is only 160 pounds but I have some lean muscle on my frame. I would like to build more medium sized muscle mass and get bigger
What is the better sarms if you had to pick between using ostarine vs. lgd?
I’m currently in my late 20’s and looking to get lean gains, maybe 5-10 pounds without side effects and without gaining bloat
I’m 15% body fat and I’m 189 pounds
was thinking about using either 50mgs ostarine and 10mgs...
was told that sarms were cool to bridge with vs. using the classic dbol bridge
looking to do 12 week sustanon, 8 week sarms, then 12 weeks tren right after with anavar
would this sarms bridge work well?
Ostarine 25mgs
GW 20mgs
Nutrobal 25mgs
I’m 24 years old. And 5’10’’ 187 pounds
I’ve been training for many years since I was 13 years old
played a lot of sports in high school and in college as well football really beat my body up
I love training and won’t stop even if I’m not feeling well or I’m injured
a lot of my friends are using steroids which is going to be something...
I’m gonna be using a triple stack
s4 50mgs a day
ostarine mk 25mgs a day
rad 25mgs a day
training 4 times a week
slightly overweight build I’m 217 pounds and 5 foot 10 inches
body fat is in the 20s
goal is to get stronger and build more muscle I’m not too worried about body fat right now
this is gonna be my 3rd sarms stack
I already like sarms a lot
I’m looking to run some different sarms this time
so far I have done:
want to run a completely different cycles to experiment with how I react to different sarms
what stack would you recommend I try this time? I’m...
Goal: lean muscle mass and fat loss
stats: 44 yrs old. 3rd sarms cycle and 215 pounds
Wondering about the math on this sarm stack
GW 20mgs a day requires 3 bottles for 12 weeks right?
How about if I did yk11 10mgs a day with it and ostarine 25mgs a day?
Ostarine should last 8 weeks on 1 bottle...
I’m looking to use sarm to help me cut down at least 15 lb ahead of the new year
last year I pledge that I will get stuff together after New Year but I never got around to it so this time I want to do it before the new year starts so I would be motivated
so far I have GW, sr9009 and ostarine as...
I haven’t seen anyone mention the stack before on here
thought I would run it by you guys
S4 at 50 milligrams a day and MK 2866 at 25 milligrams a day
total of twelve weeks
I’m 6 foot tall and 220 pounds and would like to get more strength and some lean gains
so there are a few sarm that I’m interested in using I am in my late 50s
the 3 I want to use:
nutrobal 25mgs a day
s4 50mgs a day
either ostarine 25mgs or RAD 10mgs
looking for greater recovery from my workouts and that sort of thing not really looking to make some heavy games or anything
Looking for a low side effect sarms cycle
Considering doing g.w. and ostarine mk2866
friend ran them and said he had mild results and no sides
would a dose of 20mgs of gw and 50mgs of ostarine work good? My friend ran half those dosages and had minimal benefits and I want to double them up
stats: 47yrs old
155 pounds
goal is more lean muscle mass and speed
first time running the trio of ostarine, GW with YK11
wanted to confirm dosages
GW 20mgs per day 12 weeks
ostarine 25mgs/day 16 weeks
YK11 weeks 4-12 10mgs per day
sound good?
what do you think about stacking ostarine mk2866 along with yk11 for healing?
My dosing would be 25 mg of each per day. and then after 8 weeks I would increase the mk2866 by another 25 mg to make it an even 50
I'm currently in my late 40s and the joint issues I can definitely feel. especially in...
I'm looking to do a mild sarm stack but I'm worried that the below stack might be too mild if you know what I mean
I'm currently 5 ft 11 and I weigh 217 lb
my body fat is somewhere in the low 20s
I need to lose some weight but I don't want to take something aggressive
My plan is GW, s4 and...
Looking to get some healing benefits of ostarine and nutrobal
I'm 57 years old and I've been suffering from a bad hip and knee for the past couple years. the problem started when I was lifting extremely heavy in the gym
I've backed off a lot since then but now I need some help with that. I'm 6...