I’m currently 50 years old and I’m 6 ft tall 158 lbs very lean physique
I’m currently doing ostarine and gw for 12 weeks. And I want to keep the cycle going another 4 weeks.
My gw501516 dose is 10mgs, and my ostarine dose is only 12mgs.
Can I increase my dosing on both by doubling them up for...
seeing a trend now on social media where more guys are doing this style of training
not sure if it fits what I’m looking for I would like to get some strength but also lose weight and build a better physique that’s more tight
what do you guys think about doing drop sets and high volume training?
looking for some quick advice on sarms that I should consider on my next cycle.
Stats are 6’1’’ 270 pounds and I’ve got a belly on me.
want to turn my dad bod into a beach bod if that makes sense.
Suggest some options for me. I’m currently in my 30’s and it would be cool to get that nice look I...
Ran into a buddy of mine I haven’t seen in a couple months and he definitely looked more muscular but it was lean muscle
I asked them what he was using and he said lgd and said he ordered it online and I should do it too
I’ve heard of guys using sarms and I’m looking for that physique too. I’m 5...
I’m Skeptical about using sarm but willing to give them a shot
my stats are 5 9’’
190 pounds
17% body fat
simply looking for a tighter physique I’m happy with the amount of muscle of on my frame
my plan is:
GW 30mgs per day
LGD 15mgs per day
Yk11 75mgs per day
anything else you would change?
Someone at the gym told me if you want to switch from being a bodybuilder and have a small physique to a larger one and be a powerlifter who is strong you have to change the way you train
this obviously makes a lot of sense to me. But I was wondering if you thought that it boiled down to how...
I'm looking to harden up my muscles I have a pretty good physique right now and low body fat. Problem is my muscles don't seem hard like when I flex and my girlfriend pushes up against my chest she makes fun of me and says that my pecs are soft and how can I improve on this with a supplement