I have been ordering from here 5 times already and they never let me down. Their price is very good also their gears are solid.
I got bloodwork screenshots for Euro pharma test and deca
The first 2 pictures are from Jan 24th when i was cruising 320mg of test e a week
The last 2 pictures are from...
PSL did a really good job shipping out my products I got them within a week when I ordered domestic. They didn’t do a crazy cycle at all did some equipoise and deca and managed to put on 8 lbs. Best part of it was my side effects were really low I didn’t experience a lot of the problems that I...
decided to do an 8 week cycle from PSL where I put together masteron, winstrol, and tren. It was an amazing cycle and I was very pleased with the cutting effects that I was getting on it. Seems like every time I was looking in the mirror I was getting more and more lean I went from having a...
PSL has done a great job with me in the past this time I wanted to get a bulker. This was the best bulker of my life 12 weeks of testosterone and deca as my injectables. Also added some anadrol 50mgs a day to kickstart things. My joints felt great on this cycle as well and I was able to put on a...
Never thought I would see that they were I went in front of the mirror and flexed and had sensational results where my vascularity was popping out and I looked ripped and muscular. I gave all the credit in the world to Purity Source labs for providing Excellence steroids.
I gained 8 pounds and...
1 of the best decisions I’ve ever made was using Purity Source labs. I chose to use 3 of their products on this cycle. I use their testosterone throughout and then I also used anavar to kickstart and winstrol to finish. I was able to make a steady amount of gains throughout the cycle so I was...
very happy with my Purity Source Labs testosterone cycle
I got on 600 mg a week and I also ran aromasin with it. They have excellent ancillaries as well and I was able to control my estrogen no problem.
Even got blood work done in my numbers were well in the 4,000s so I know it’s legit.
PSL has excellent prices I was able to get testosterone and dbol from them for less then it costs me to get my car professionally waxed and detailed. Was able to put on over 10 lbs and my strength went up on all my big lifts. I would say that the perfect Source if you’re looking for excellent...
cutting down on Purity Source Labs has been an amazing experience.
Decided to go with test prop, mast prop and anavar.
This is a really cool stack and the side effects are very manageable I’m seeing some incredible hardening effects and vascularity.
Overall I’m seeing a rapid Improvement when it...
was able to get some incredible deals from Purity Source Labs on their products. The thing I really enjoyed is not only on cycle that I have incredible results but I also made a full recovery post cycle while a friend of mine has been crashing and struggling. Not only are there steroids...
decided to do a PSL cycle with three different steroids. I didn’t want to keep things too complicated so I decided to stack EQ, tbol and test cyp. My results were excellent and i had amazing results on these 3 steroids. Best of all everything got to me in a very fast time. And their customer...
I wanted to run a cycle where I could save some money so I chose Purity Source labs. They have some really good discounts and was able to grab their EP hgh, testosterone and primo. All are very effective and very fairly priced and the discounts really made it a tremendous deal. A+ results try...
decided to try recomping. I was very skeptical because I know it’s one of the hardest things to do. But psl has great gear so I wanted to see if I could make it happen. Did their primo and winstrol. Had great results. The primo was sensational and winstrol made me dry out a lot! perfect gear and...
PSL had an amazing cutting experience I highly recommend them. Their products are definitely top of the line and they definitely are the best products that you will use. Was able to have a nice cutting affect lost about two or three percent body fat. ordering took minutes. ordering process A+...
I wanted to do a bulking stack this time with PSL. Decided to get two injectables and one oral. Did 12 week with the injectables and did four weeks with the oral to kick-start things. Ended up having excellent results I was gaining around a pound or two every week for the first eight weeks and...
definitely time to recomp ahead of the summer beach season. Really excited to get my PSL cycle this is the second time I’ve used them but I’ve never done a Recomp but I did a bulk before. In fact this is the first time I’ve ever done a recomp at all. It was an amazing stack I was able to put on...
A very surprised on this cycle how fast I was able to gain a lot of good quality Mass. I would estimate that in 12 weeks I was able to put on about 10 pounds of muscle and it’s good quality not water. Also experience a big change to my strengths and all so when I flex you can really see the...
used psl for the first time. This is a great source and I would recommend using them in the future. I picked up some tbol, sustanon and proviron. This is a really good stack and it didn’t give me very many side effects. Also got pct and ancillaries they have it all. lots of good options. service...
I decided to do a bulking stack but nothing that would blow me up with water retention. I ended up doing a stack with tren, test and var. Very interesting results I was able to put on some good signs but didn’t put on any water retention. I would definitely recommend you try the stack. products...
if you want to be a champion then trust me you want to use PSL. Went with their hgh, tren, EQ, and winstrol. What a fantastic contest stack that put me into the top three in my weight class. It’s the first time I’ve ever placed so I’m really pleased. incredible products top notch. ordering was...