you guys have any advice when it comes to fixing your kidney issues when using steroids
I just came off a 12 week cycle and things don’t look too good at all
my kidney numbers are very high I’m very concerned that I might have issues
what is a supplement that you’d recommend for me?
I’m looking to put on some bigger mass and I would like to get a lot of weight increase on my frame
the reason is I’m around 170 lbs and I’m 6’1” and I think I have about 20 or 30 lbs to gain
should I go with test + deca?
Or should I do test + NPP?
Which is going to be better for my situation...
interested in doing a cutting stack with steroids for a future cycle
I have modest stats. 5’7’’ and 207lbs. Body fat is 18%. and I’m 28 years old.
Want to do a cutting stack with:
would 200mgs of tren and mast be good with 25mgs of winstrol? Or should I run something...
Currently around 205 lbs and I’m benching close to 300 I would like to get my numbers higher. My squats are also 315 and would like to push it to 350+.
I’m 27 years old. Used steroids a few times when I was younger but nothing too serious.
I’m looking to get some information on how to get more...
I’ve got really low body fat like 4 or 5% and I’m looking to use oral steroids. 27 years old, and 178 pounds. I’ve had a history of drinking in the past and I’ve had a history of also using rec drugs. Oddly enough when I was using recreational drugs I was able to lean out originally and lose...
I’m looking to get on testosterone. I’ve not done steroids since my early 20’s. Now in my late 30’s.
I want to Broaden my goals and start getting stronger and bigger in the future.
What do you think about using testosterone and running it at a moderate dose. Around 500mgs… vs. using it at higher...
234lbs, 6’1’’ 46 years old
I’m going to change up my workout training because I’ve been dealing with a lot of overuse injuries from my power lifting days
I’m gonna go to a more High repetition strategy where I’m going 15 to 20 reps
what would you recommend in terms of steroids to get the most...
I’m wondering how steroids can affect the different ways that I can carb load and also carb cycle.
Currently doing trt, but want to hop on a stack.
The steroid stack I want to do is
test 400mgs a week
winstrol 50mgs a day
anavar 30mgs a day 7-12
I’m 6’9’’ and 209 pounds lean. And 44...
hoping you can give me advice for steroid users. Want something thats gonna give me more stamina while on cycle.
I gain a lot of weight and it seems like it really gives my endurance a hit. Need something that can help with that and make me feel more energy.
I started to run in a group and we meet up every weekend
man I am in bad conditioning I have a hard time keeping up with a lot of the guys and even most of the women
and I hate running but I know it’s really good for you and it’s a lot of fun
27 years old, 5’8’’ and 160 pounds
right now I can...
I’m looking to use steroids and help bulk myself up.
Gonna be 58 years old soon and I’ve experienced a lot of muscle wasting the past few years as I’ve gotten older
I’m around 145 lbs and 5’10”.
I’ve looked into using Deca and testosterone together and it seems like the proper dosage would be...
Hello! I'm new to this forum and I have a question that maybe you can help me with. I have been natural for 5 years and I want to go to the next level. I recently bought steroids from my home country, and I got a $300 scam. I want to order from another country (I live in Europe). Where can I buy...
I would like to set 3 year goals when it comes to using steroids, this is gonna be my 3rd time using them after a 10 year break
I’m currently 35 years old and I’m 5’10” 185 lbs
my question is should I set a goal of doing two cycles a year and six total over the next 3 years or should I just take...
I’m now single after my divorce and I’m ready to mingle. I want to have as much sex as possible before I enter into a brand new relationship because I didn’t have much sex while I was married.
Problem is my ex wife completely killed my dick and I have zero confidence to get it up.
If I do go on...
24 years old. 5’11’’ and 167 pounds. This is my first cycle
I’ve been on my current steroid cycle for the past 5 weeks and I’m starting to get a lot of low energy.
The first few weeks I felt great but it was around week four that I started experiencing a lot of tired feeling
I’m doing test E...
imagine getting one of those lottery tickets and scratching it off and winning 100K, then finding out that the whole time it was just a fake ticket.
That is the experience I have gone through using
their products are all FAKE FAKE FAKE. Very disappointing to say the least
I’m on my current steroid cycle and the side effects are too much for me to handle
can’t stand it anymore
getting insomnia getting fever getting test flu getting a lot of different things happening
which supplements can help with all these side effects to make me feel better?
back in my late 20s I peaked when it came to strength. Then due to personal problems and other factors I kind of went away from strength training for a while.
Now I’m 38 years old and I’m ready to push and break new personal records again but I would like to use steroids to help me. I’m 183...
I do not recommend using
they are a garbage source
first off they overcharged me for my order I feel really angry about it. A vial of testosterone $120 a vial of tren $110. seems excessive compared to other sources but I guess I should have done more homework before ordering from...
I get the concept behind using Cialis when it comes to Greater erections and more confidence in the bedroom
but I’m not sure what the purpose is why I see so many guys using Cialis on a daily basis when they’re using steroids
is there something I’m missing when it comes to the benefits of using...