took advantage of a promotion they had for 50% off tren and sustanon.
They have some very kind service and they respond all within usually 12 hours to questions
delivery took a few days after they ship the products it was very fast domestic
you really can’t beat these prices I was able to do...
just wanted to give you some honest reviews on using napsgear.
First and foremost they are very fast when it comes to ordering.
You get a confirmation on everything within a minute which is great. Their shipping is awesome too. My recent order i got a shipping confirmation within 3 days after my...
I’m a big confused on tren hex. Seems like a lot of people over the years have used it and have said it is superior to other forms of trenbolone.
The more I research the more confused I get, seems like everyone has an opinion lol.
What would you recommend going forward that I should run it at...
I’m about 10% body fat 5’6” and 185 lbs and I’m 40 years old
I’ve been using steroids for the past 10 years and I’m ready to take things to the next level
I’m possibly open to competing I just love competition I might do powerlifting or I might even do a bodybuilding competition I’m not sure yet...
I’ve now ran tren ace and tren E from napsgear.
Both are A+ products.
Highly recommend using them
first cycle with their tren ace for 8 weeks put on 12 pounds and got super strong. Added 40 pounds to my benching
2nd cycle with tren E more of the same. Did it for 10 weeks and put on another 8...
I’m looking to use tren E and anavar on my next cycle.
Its going to be a mix of tren 300mgs a week and anavar 25mgs a day
which steroids do you recommend I use for best results to add to this? How much test would you add?
Currently stuck at 220 pounds and not able to break that plateau. And I’m...
Looking to do a recomposition or maybe a lean bulking stack
I’m currently 208 lbs and I’m 5’11” body fat is around 12%
EQ dose I want to run is 250mgs a week
tren ace is 200mgs a week
mast prop is gonna be 50mgs EOD
do you think this is a good setup for 12 weeks or should I cut back on the weeks...
I made a New Year’s resolution to lose about 20 lbs this year.
Hoping you could give me some tips.
Currently 225 lbs would like to get down closer to 200 and I’m around 18% body fat.
27 years old and I train 4x a week.
I plan on increasing my cardio and all so tightening up my diet.
Would you...
Currently 40 years old. 5’11’’ and 188 pounds. Wanting to gain more strength and do something more aggressive.
Was reading that tren and superdrol were crazy together. What do you think about using them stacked together?
How about doing low dosing. 10Mgs superdrol per day and trenbolone 200mgs a...
5’8’’ and 207 pounds and 29 years old
So my situation is a little complicated.
I started out about 8% body fat a year ago and since then I’ve used Deca and testosterone and a couple other orals and I have ballooned up to about 16% body fat but I have also gained about 30 lbs.
I would like to...
goal is recomping, I’m 86kg and 5’11’’ approximately. And I’m 38 years old
trenbolone has been a very good steroid in my past.
I want to use it again but run it 300mgs a week along with 150mgs a week testosterone.
This will be an 8 week cycle. And I plan on using an oral with it this time
I’m excited to try tren for the first time. The 3 options my source said I could choose from are E vs. Ace, vs. Hex. He says that they’re all good but it just depends on what I’m looking for.
I told him I would try one of them once I consulted with you guys. This is the first time I’ve used...
I’m looking to put together a good strength cycle at 50 years old
my recovery is definitely isn’t as good as it used to be but I’m still getting stronger even as I get older
I’m currently 235 lbs and I’m benching around 360. would like to push to 400 pounds if possible.
The stack I was...
I’m looking to get some strength progress on this next cycle
this steroid that I’m looking to use is superdrol for the first 4 weeks as a kickstarter. I want to run 20mgs a day
then I want to make sure I am on test/tren 250mgs each for 12 additional weeks.
Do you think I should run the superdrol...
I’m looking for some advice when it comes to stacking a steroid cycle and using testosterone as my base and then adding in tren and masteron along with it.
What do you think about the following dosages?
Tren ace 50mgs EOD
mast prop 75mgs EOD
testosterone added as my base what dose you like here...
Currently 46 years old and I’ve been using steroids for the past 12 years but recently took about a year off from using them.
I’m 185 lbs and I’m 5’8”
Keep reading that a lot of pros are using trenbolone and winstrol together.
Was wondering what is the best dosage of doing both?
winstrol works...
30 years old. 5’6’’ and 190 pounds. 15% body fat
a few years back I did a recomp and I felt horrible. Didn’t have any energy and it was very difficult to suffer like that the only time I felt good was when I was in the gym oddly enough but then I felt horrible after
was dropping my carbs really...
never thought i would be one of those people to post a review but i wanted to share my experience with geneza pharma.
Did 500mgs of test cyp and 300mgs of tren E
I’m not gonna lie the side effects definitely hit me like a ton of bricks especially a few weeks into the cycle but man was it worth...
so far so good with psl trenbolone
I’ve been on their tren enanthate for the past 8 weeks. Doing 250mgs a week, stacking some light test and proviron with it. My test dose has been 150mgs a week and proviron at 10-20mgs per day or EOD.
Very nice effects I’ve been able to put on some solid muscle...
What are going to be the best options from domestic Supply when it comes to hardening up my muscles?
I’m looking to use something that will help shred me up
my options are this: tbol, winstrol, masteron, tren or superdrol.
Would like to run a 6-week cycle.
I’m 40 years old and I’m around 218 lbs...