a 33 years old dude using tren for the 3rd time.
5’6’’ 188 pounds and 15% body fat
just looking to do a simple trenbolone and masteron stack.
Nothing too fancy but I would like to get some recomp benefits.
What do you think of tren 250mgs a week and masteron 500mgs a week.
Would running them 12...
33 years old, 5’7’’ 185 pounds and 15% body fat
I’m getting very jittery using trenbolone and clenbuterol
the fat loss is Definitely there but when I’m trying to work during the day my hands start shaking randomly.
Also my cardio has really taken a hit on the cycle
I’ve been doing 300mgs a week...
I’m currently around 10% body fat and I’m five foot 8..178 pounds.
I’m looking to take things to the next level and perhaps compete for the first time sometime next year
would like to get a couple competitions under my belt while I am still in my 30s.
Would like to see what I can accomplish...
my goal is to do a gram of steroids it would be my biggest cycle I’ve ever done previously I had done 700 or 800 milligrams total.
I’m going to be recomping and I will blend 2 bulkers and 2 cutters together.
250mgs tren ace
250mgs mast prop
250mgs equipoise
250mgs primobolan
currently 28 years...
definitely time to recomp ahead of the summer beach season. Really excited to get my PSL cycle this is the second time I’ve used them but I’ve never done a Recomp but I did a bulk before. In fact this is the first time I’ve ever done a recomp at all. It was an amazing stack I was able to put on...
I just came off deca and tren and my bloods came in I’m 3x the normal amount of prolactin and I’m freaking out
my libido has been good but I definitely want to keep it that way
What supplements do the best job at lowering prolactin naturally
much thank you for your help
44 years old and I’m five foot 6...185 pounds with 13% body fat
main goals are RECOMP
I’m looking to do a short and sweet 10 week short Esther cycle.
4th cycle ever!
My plan is this and tell me what you would change:
tren ace 50mgs EOD
test prop: 100mgs 3x per week
mast prop: 200mgs 3x per week...
one of the best blends I have ran to date.
Did the napsgear mix of Tren/Test/Mast. All short ester prop.
First 4 weeks was up 5 pounds, next 4 weeks after gained another 4 pounds.
Most importantly in the mirror it looks like I’ve shredded up a lot and I can definitely see the striations and the...
Looking to do a more aggressive stack this go around this will be the fourth time I’ve used steroids
my plan is test 250mgs a week, tren 200mgs a week and superdrol at 20mgs a day. Also including n2guard at 4 caps a day
I’m 43 years old, 5’7’’ and 190 pounds.
Want to push to 205 and get stronger...
What would you recommend I use with tren?
Would using test propionate be the smartest option or should I go with a different testosterone. Initially was going to use tren ace, but now I am gonna switch to tren E. and said that ace gave him really bad tren cough so want to avoid that.
I’m 38...
I’m usually a happy and go lucky dude. Being on tren has changed me. Nothing is enough on it, I gotta have atleast 4 or 5 side chicks. Was out with one of them at a mexican restaurant and the waitress forgot to bring me my faijitas and I got pissed and took it out on the girl and she ran out of...
My next cycle is gonna be trenbolone and winstrol
I’m hoping to use 250mgs of tren per week and then stack 25mgs a day winstrol.
What would be the best way to use them together?
I’m 33 years old, 5’11’’ 180 pounds and 15% body fat.
Training 4x per week and doing cardio 2x per week 1 hour each...
So far I’m happy with just doing 250mgs of tren and 500mgs of masteron. With that said is there any reason why I should or shouldn’t add in test going forward? I’m 4 weeks into cycle so far and gains are incredible and recomp is too.
I’m 5’9’’ and 188 pounds and 30 years old.
I wanted to get on tren, test and anadrol but now I’m reading that wouldn’t be a smart choice because of side effects.
It seems on paper like an amazing stack so I don’t understand why it wouldn’t be a good idea.
Can you give me some advice on what I can substitute instead of anadrol?
I’m 5’6’’...
28 years old, 148 pounds, and five foot six inches
gonna be using tren and test on my next cycle but want to include sarms possibly to help the cycle out and give me better results and less side effects
Was wondering what was the best way to use GW in this steroid cycle?
I’m gonna be likely competing in the physique competition later this summer probably aiming for september show.
Would like to start using tren and masteron now to see how my body reacts to it
what would be some tips and advice for me when it comes to using both and how much would be a good...
Currently I’m 30 years old and I am five foot 10 178 pounds and I’ve not used steroids yet but I’ve used different pro hormones.
Looking to at using tren at some point.
I’ve read so many horror stories and guys have told me stories that they’ve ended up in prison and they’ve cheated on their...
I’m looking to get some reality based truth to using masteron, tren and testosterone together.
I know that certain brands and sources have these products Blended together but what if I was to take them separately and just those them on my own.
What would be the most optimal way to use them?
Curious what you guys think about recomping, currently in my mid 30’s and want to shed some body fat and also gain some muscle mass at the same time.
I’m around 18% body fat and I’m pretty strong and I weigh 180 pounds 32 years old
I don’t want to lose any of my strength or muscle but I want to...