I want to do a dirty bulk
I’ve put on 20 pounds over the past year and reached a plateau of 165 lb and I'm 5 ft 5 in
My goal now is to hit 190. I plan to eat everything i can
I’ve got a plan
Sustanon 500mgs a week
Deca durabolin 400mgs a week
Dianabol dbol 30mgs a day
Anything i should change?
I’ve put on 20 pounds over the past year and reached a plateau of 165 lb and I'm 5 ft 5 in
My goal now is to hit 190. I plan to eat everything i can
I’ve got a plan
Sustanon 500mgs a week
Deca durabolin 400mgs a week
Dianabol dbol 30mgs a day
Anything i should change?