everything from geneza is always top notch. their orals are in a class by themselves and extremely professionally packaged and made
the testosterone that I use was on point and those perfectly. I've also use their Winstrol and their primobolan and very impressed with the quality
everything from geneza is always top notch. their orals are in a class by themselves and extremely professionally packaged and made
the testosterone that I use was on point and those perfectly. I've also use their Winstrol and their primobolan and very impressed with the quality
everything from geneza is always top notch. their orals are in a class by themselves and extremely professionally packaged and made
the testosterone that I use was on point and those perfectly. I've also use their Winstrol and their primobolan and very impressed with the quality
As from experience, Geneza Pharma is rated top quality AAS on the market.
We have HPLC lab test by supporting high quality with fast n secure service.
We are available 24x7 to help our clients.
If you want any assistance please pm me or email me at [email protected]
I would love to help you.
everything from geneza is always top notch. their orals are in a class by themselves and extremely professionally packaged and made
the testosterone that I use was on point and those perfectly. I've also use their Winstrol and their primobolan and very impressed with the quality