So let me start out by saying before i switched to this test blend that i was previously taking test cyp 300mg once a week 1ml in the thigh an never had a problem after pinning other then some soreness from the shot itself other then that i never had any other side effects that i noticed other then gaining muscle
lol with that being said this test blend is from ultima pharmaceuticals it is the super-test blend 450mg it has 5 different esters the amounts are as stated below per 1ml:
Testosterone acetate 32mg
Testosterone decanoate 147mg
Testosterone propionate 73mg
Testosterone Cypionate 125mg
Testosterone phenylpropionate 73mg
i have been off test for the last few months as i was looking for something different to try but could not really decide on what i was going to try, ultimately this is what i went with i ordered this from OSgear which was highly recommended by i was quite a bit hesitant for a number of weeks as i had never bought gear online before an wanted to make sure it was a reliable source so i spent quite a bit of time trying to research the legitimacy of this company an site after quite a bit of time online i came to the conclusion it was legitimate an safe so i decided to give it a try i orderd the test blend it arrived quickly an securely as promised so i was absolutely happy about that!! So here is my question/problem! I took my first shot this sunday july 16th 2023 the next day i had extreme pain an swelling in my leg which really caught me off guard i had done some research an it had revealed that test prop can be inflammatory to some patients that take it an it will cause swelling an pain so i didnt go crazy thinking it was gonna last too long , long story short friday i still have pain an swelling so i see a doctor they recommend er i go there an they check me out an say its not a clot or anything an that my muscle enzymes were high indicating that i had severe muscle damage ,they kept me till it lowered an sent me home telling me to see an endocrinologist an stop taking it till i do... which i was going to do anyways obviously , but my concern now is that its now the day after an i still have the swelling but no pain now? I thought the swelling was a result of whatever reaction the shot gave me but still hurts to bend my leg but not nearly as much also ive noticed that my quad area feels as though its full of water?? I did not think of it this way at first but now that i dont have pain it seems as if its not necessarily my leg swelling from inflammation but from water retention, i mean i want bigger legs but damn this dont feel im wondering if anyone knows whats wrong or if i should inject into the glute instead an that will solve the problem? Is this from a condition i have causing this as a side effect? Any help is much appreciated!!
P.S i am not blaiming ultima pharmaceuticals or OSgear for my stupidity in anyway just looking for advice on what it could be an what i should do!!

Testosterone acetate 32mg
Testosterone decanoate 147mg
Testosterone propionate 73mg
Testosterone Cypionate 125mg
Testosterone phenylpropionate 73mg
i have been off test for the last few months as i was looking for something different to try but could not really decide on what i was going to try, ultimately this is what i went with i ordered this from OSgear which was highly recommended by i was quite a bit hesitant for a number of weeks as i had never bought gear online before an wanted to make sure it was a reliable source so i spent quite a bit of time trying to research the legitimacy of this company an site after quite a bit of time online i came to the conclusion it was legitimate an safe so i decided to give it a try i orderd the test blend it arrived quickly an securely as promised so i was absolutely happy about that!! So here is my question/problem! I took my first shot this sunday july 16th 2023 the next day i had extreme pain an swelling in my leg which really caught me off guard i had done some research an it had revealed that test prop can be inflammatory to some patients that take it an it will cause swelling an pain so i didnt go crazy thinking it was gonna last too long , long story short friday i still have pain an swelling so i see a doctor they recommend er i go there an they check me out an say its not a clot or anything an that my muscle enzymes were high indicating that i had severe muscle damage ,they kept me till it lowered an sent me home telling me to see an endocrinologist an stop taking it till i do... which i was going to do anyways obviously , but my concern now is that its now the day after an i still have the swelling but no pain now? I thought the swelling was a result of whatever reaction the shot gave me but still hurts to bend my leg but not nearly as much also ive noticed that my quad area feels as though its full of water?? I did not think of it this way at first but now that i dont have pain it seems as if its not necessarily my leg swelling from inflammation but from water retention, i mean i want bigger legs but damn this dont feel im wondering if anyone knows whats wrong or if i should inject into the glute instead an that will solve the problem? Is this from a condition i have causing this as a side effect? Any help is much appreciated!!