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Approved Log Testosterone Cypionate 250mgs 10 week Cycle Log


Whats up everyone!

Running 250mg of Test C for 10 weeks /wk/ Split the injection into 2

During Cycle:

Pharmaqo Arimdex 1mg 50tabs - .5mg 4x week/ for the whole cycle

Milk Thistle - for liver protection
Omega-3 - for heart
Daily Vitamins - for overall

PCT 2 weeks after last injection:

Xeno Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) - 20 mg daily for 4 weeks

Pharmaqo HCG 5000iu - 500 IU 4x week for the first two weeks of pct

D-Aspartic Acid - for 4 weeks to help test levels restore to normal


1. Am i over doing with the PCT and maybe arimdex since the Test is low dosage? Should i take less during cycle and PCT?
2. Is there any adjustments i should make during cycle and PCT?

Thanks in advance.
Whats up everyone!

Running 250mg of Test C for 10 weeks /wk/ Split the injection into 2

During Cycle:

Pharmaqo Arimdex 1mg 50tabs - .5mg 4x week/ for the whole cycle

Milk Thistle - for liver protection
Omega-3 - for heart
Daily Vitamins - for overall

PCT 2 weeks after last injection:

Xeno Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) - 20 mg daily for 4 weeks

Pharmaqo HCG 5000iu - 500 IU 4x week for the first two weeks of pct

D-Aspartic Acid - for 4 weeks to help test levels restore to normal


1. Am i over doing with the PCT and maybe arimdex since the Test is low dosage? Should i take less during cycle and PCT?
2. Is there any adjustments i should make during cycle and PCT?

Thanks in advance.
@Maxrep welcome back to the anabolex family, turned this into a LOG thread and approved bro :)

Commens here.

Cycle plan
0.5mgs of arimidex 4x/week is VERY high and will lead to E2 crash very bad idea with 250mgs testosterone
dose should be .25mgs/week max

Supplement plan
you should be using n2guard on cycle for organ liver support, its a must

Post cycle therapy is NOT good at all
you need 2 weeks clomid kick start
6 weeks of tamoxifen 60/60/40/20/10/5
hcgenerate ed 5 caps ed

Please share more day to day information with us.

Diet, Training, Cardio
Diet, please share foods and meals and when you eat them, macros would be good
Training, please share actual exercises reps sets and weights, as you go especially get stronger
cardio how much do you do? when etc
If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.

what supps you use?
digestive enzymes?
psyllium husk?

please share pictures of you face blurred
pics of your meals as you go
pics of your training as you go
pics of your supps
pics of your gear

thank you and share more :)
hcg should never be used in pct
it might seem like a good idea because it will make you feel better and boost your balls size, but it is actually suppressing you and preventing recovery.
I would increase your testosterone dose to 500 mg
unless I'm misunderstanding your post
keep the testosterone the way it is and add an oral
something mild maybe some VAR
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