So I was doing my research on oils that we consume to gain more insight on how I want to do my diet. While researching this i came across something interesting that I wanted to bring up. So as I was reading about omega 3 fat acids and how they are great for you and how they reduce inflammation. I also ran into this same article about fatty 6 acids and how they cause inflammation. Well as I looked at examples I noticed some of these bad oils and recognized a couple. Most gear is made with grapeseed oil as well as cottonseed oil. Both which contribute towards inflammation because they are fatty 6 acids. So why is it that we inject with something that increases the likely hood of PIP? And if I were to consume more omega fatty 3 acids will it fight the PIP? Because even prescription Test is made with this stuff so then why do they use it? Save money but at the cost of people discomfort? @Mobster @SteveSmi BTW the podcast made me look into this lmao you only have yourself to blame