Top 10 Suppliers of Steroids For Sale in 2024 Update – How Buy Anabolic Steroids in USA?

The steroid market has undergone many changes over the decades, evolving from a straightforward industry dominated by well-regulated, legitimate pharmaceutical and veterinarian brands between the 1960s and until about 2005. Around 2006, the first underground labs(UGLs) emerged and took over the market to the point where, now, in 2024, 95% of steroids sold in the black market all come from UGLs.

Today, in 2024, we have a complex marketplace full of both reputable suppliers and potential scams. This change has made it necessary for any user to learn how to find real sources and purchase procedures before trying to obtain steroids.

The Change from Regulated to Underground
Historically, the market primarily comprised human-grade and veterinarian-grade steroids produced under strict regulatory standards in registered facilities. These steroids were known for their high quality and safety, and they were manufactured in environments with stringent quality controls and governmental oversight. However, with tightening regulations, these products have become less accessible, giving rise to a diverse underground market.

Today’s steroid market features a mix of high-quality legitimate products and those from underground labs. The reliability and safety of products from these underground sources can vary dramatically:

Human-Grade Steroids
If you can find them, they are still the highest quality available. They are produced by licensed pharmaceutical companies under strict manufacturing guidelines that ensure purity and potency. Occasionally, these products enter the black market when they are diverted from their legitimate use. Today, it is tough to find legit pharmaceutical-grade steroids in the underground market, and most may be faked or bootleg.

Veterinarian-Grade Steroids
Comparable in quality to human-grade, these products are intended for veterinary use but are often diverted to bodybuilders due to their efficacy and safety standards. There are still some veterinarian steroid brands left, but they are hard to find.

Underground Labs
Hit and miss when it comes to quality, these labs can produce products ranging from near-pharmaceutical-grade to just down right dangerous in terms of contamination. As stated earlier the majority of the marketplace today is filled with these underground laboratory operations. Before buying anything from one some source you found on social, you should first understand what you should be looking for in an underground lab supplier. Most underground labs you find will rank in one of these tiers:

Top-Tier Underground Labs: These are the cream of the crop in the underground steroid market. Top-tier labs often operate like legitimate pharmaceutical laboratories in terms of their manufacturing processes and quality controls. They operate in countries with lenient regulations on steroids, allowing them to produce near-pharmaceutical-grade products. These labs utilize advanced equipment and adhere to some form of quality control, often testing both raw materials and final products for purity and potency. Despite operating outside of legal frameworks, these labs strive to maintain high standards to protect their reputation among users.

Mid-Tier Labs: A step below the top-tier, mid-tier labs also produce steroids that are quite reliable but may not always meet the stringent standards of top-tier labs. These labs might operate in environments with some regulatory oversight but typically do not have the same level of access to high-quality raw materials or state-of-the-art equipment. Their products are generally safe and effective but might exhibit greater batch-to-batch variability compared to top-tier labs.

Lower-Tier and Local Underground Labs: The most variable and potentially risky, lower-tier labs are often small-scale operations that might operate locally or regionally. These labs lack sophisticated equipment and rigorous quality controls, leading to inconsistent and potentially unsafe products. They might not test their raw materials or final products adequately, if at all, increasing the risk of contamination and inefficacy.

Manufacturing and Quality Control Challenges
Legitimate human and veterinary laboratories maintain high standards in manufacturing processes, including rigorous testing of raw materials and finished products for contaminants and potency. These products are also quarantined until they pass safety inspections, ensuring they are safe for use.
In contrast, underground labs may not adhere to these stringent protocols. The lack of sophisticated equipment and regulatory oversight in these labs leads to increased contamination risks and product quality inconsistency. These facilities often produce subpar products, with many tablet products arriving powdery or crumbly, indicating poorer compression and manufacturing techniques. Their multi-dose vials will usually have a loose top that you can twist by hand, and the fill line will be inconsistent even when comparing identical products.

Legal and Health Risks
The legal landscape surrounding steroid use varies by country, with most first-world countries imposing severe penalties for illegal possession, use, and distribution. This legal risk is compounded by health risks from untested and potentially contaminated products. It’s crucial for users and coaches to thoroughly understand these risks and seek reliable sources if considering steroid use.
Navigating today’s steroid market requires vigilance, extensive research, and engaging with trusted sources and communities, understanding the differences in steroid grades, and prioritizing personal health and safety are vital. Users must perform due diligence by consulting forums with real-time reviews and verifying sources’ legitimacy to mitigate risks associated with underground products.

How should you evaluate a steroid supplier?

Before we discuss our list of the top 10 approved sources to buy steroids in 2024-2025, we need to go over a few important factors. Finding the best steroids for sale is more complicated than than just looking for the lowest prices. Being a price shopper will only lead you to put money into the hands of scammers. As the old saying goes, “You get what you paid for.” Instead of just price shopping here’s what you really need to consider when choosing a steroid supplier:

  1. Forum Presence: You want a transparent supplier that has nothing to hide. One good sign is that they’re active on the steroid forums, open to discussions about their brand, shipping and responding to customer reviews.
  2. Shipping Smarts: The best suppliers have created their own system to ship steroids discreetly and efficiently. Plus, having the option to order within the USA, where no customs are involved, is a huge bonus and something we value highly.
  3. Fair Shipping Costs and Quick Delivery: It’s not just about how quickly the products arrive but also how much it costs to get them to your door. And let’s not forget about those guarantees good suppliers will have your back if something goes wrong with your shipment.
  4. Always Stocked Up: Have you ever had that moment where you broke a vial or unexpectedly ran out of your supply? Well, a reliable supplier won’t leave you in the lurch. They keep their shelves well-stocked so you can get what you need when you need it.
  5. More Than Just Steroids: The best suppliers know that cycling isn’t just about steroids. They also stock all the essentials for cycle support and post-cycle therapy, making them a one-stop shop for all your needs.
  6. Quality You Can Trust: They’re constantly double-checking their products to ensure you get the best quality possible.
  7. Top-Notch Customer Service: A supplier worth their salt will make it easy for you to reach out with any questions or concerns because good communication is key.
  8. Knowledgeable and Approachable Reps: The best suppliers have a knowledgeable team on the forums daily, ready to answer your questions about how to use their products effectively. These reps are experienced, polite, and respectful true professionals.
  9. Deals and Discounts: Who doesn’t love a good deal? The best suppliers know how to keep their customers happy with regular sales, loyalty rewards, and discounts on bulk orders.
  10. A Smooth-Running Website: Time is money, and a good supplier respects that. Their website will be quick, easy to navigate, and up-to-date, so you can get in, get what you need, and get out without a hassle.

These are the markers of a reliable steroid supplier that respects its customers and operates with integrity. Keep these in mind, and you’ll steer clear of trouble and towards the best products and deals.

2025 Approved Steroid Sources List.

If you’re looking for legit steroids, you’ll want to stick to well-known suppliers. These are the places that use real labs and employ actual scientists and chemists to ensure product quality. They’ve earned solid reviews on our forums over time and have a track record of dependability. It’s no wonder that top-tier bodybuilders trust these sources to help them reach their ambitious fitness goals.

We’ve done extensive legwork, sifting through hundreds of websites, and have narrowed it down to the top 10 steroid suppliers. Each one offers fair pricing and reliable products. We’ve also gone a step further to provide you with a straightforward rundown of the pros and cons for each, helping you make the best choice for your needs. Let’s dive into the list:, affectionately known to its patrons as Naps, boasts two decades of experience in the field, catering to over 25,000 customers. Their website is not just a portal to purchase products but also a gateway to engage directly with their customer service team about any questions you might have regarding your orders. They pride themselves on their curated selection of brands, each rigorously tested and approved to ensure they meet a high standard of quality, which you can check out for yourself in their lab testing section here: [Napsgear Lab Testing].

Napsgear is a hit in the bodybuilding community, frequently spotlighting content from both current and former professional bodybuilders. They enrich their site with podcasts, insightful articles, and interactive Q&A sessions that dive deep into how these athletes utilize the products. Interested in a live interaction? They’ve got a Live Q&A section where you can scroll through and discover answers to many commonly asked questions about steroid use here: [Napsgear Q&A].

They’re also the top distributor of Geneza Pharma, affectionately known as G.P., which is currently one of the most sought-after brands on the market. With a comprehensive lineup and thorough lab tests, there’s much to explore about G.P. For a deeper dive, a podcast about Geneza Pharma could offer some valuable insights.


  • They’re well-integrated within the community, sponsoring over 16 steroid forums and websites, which shows their profound involvement and credibility.
  • The website is a comprehensive source for everything you might need, whether you’re actively using performance-enhancing drugs or in between cycles.
  • You’re spoilt for choice with over 25 brands, ensuring you can find precisely the steroids you’re looking for.
  • Their rep team is active daily on forums, always ready to help customers with advice and answers.
  • The payment process is straightforward, making it easy to get through checkout.
  • They ship globally and even offer a local delivery option for folks in the U.S., which is super convenient.
  • Their customer service is really on the ball, responding quickly whenever you reach out with questions.
  • They keep things exciting with regular sales every week.


  • While they feature content from some well-known ex-professional bodybuilders, not everyone might find their advice relatable. Some of these figures are controversial, and their guidance can sometimes be a bit old-school or overly simplistic.
  • Navigating the website can feel like being a kid in a candy store; it’s packed with options, which can be a bit overwhelming if you don’t know what you’re looking for.
  • The sheer amount of choices can be overwhelming if you’re new to this and just starting to figure out what you need.

Forum Reviews about Napsgear:, or D-S as it’s known among users, stands out on well-known bodybuilding forums like,, and others. They’ve made a name for themselves with their fast domestic shipping within the USA, making them a favorite among guys looking to get their products quickly and without hassles from customs.

Navigating their website is a breeze. They’ve organized everything into specific categories whether you’re looking for HGH, injectable steroids, or something for post-cycle therapy, you can find it quickly. They even have sections for peptides, SARMs, and other essentials, making it easy to get all your supplies in one go.

They offer a broad range of products from 30 different brands. However, availability can vary as the company regularly updates its stock to keep only the best-quality items. This dynamic approach ensures you’re always getting top-notch products at fair prices.

When it comes to recommendations for where to buy steroids, especially if you’re in the U.S., you’ll often hear mentioned among the top choices. They’re particularly praised for carrying leading brands like Beligas and Pharmacom Labs. If you’re curious about Pharmacom Labs, a podcast that dives deep into what makes their products stand out.

This consistent praise across bodybuilding communities underscores their reliability. It marks them as a go-to for anyone serious about their fitness and supplement regimen.


  • They’re quick with deliveries, especially if you’re ordering from the USA.
  • You’ve many brands to pick from, so you’ll likely find exactly the steroids you want.
  • Their prices are competitive, which is always a plus when shopping around.
  • If you prefer using cryptocurrency, there’s no minimum order amount, which is super convenient.
  • Navigating their website is a breeze, making your shopping experience smooth and hassle-free.


  • They accept various payment methods, but a minimum order amount is required for non-crypto payments.
  • Unfortunately, they don’t offer shipping to international locations, including Canada, which can be a bummer if you’re outside the U.S.
  • There have been a few hiccups with stock availability in the past, which sometimes meant limited options.

Forum Reviews about

Puritysourcelabs, affectionately known as PSL, has carved out a significant niche in the global steroid market. They’ve built a strong reputation over the years, not just through their product offerings but also through their engagement with the community on various hardcore steroid forums. There, they’re always ready to help with customer inquiries or provide advice, ensuring their users feel supported every step of the way.

In an exciting development, as of December 2023, PSL has started offering 15ml vials from their top-selling Euro Pharmacies brand, a notable shift from the more common 5ml multi-use vials. This change means that buyers can now get more steroids for the same price, which translates to greater savings and value. The feedback from users so far has been really positive.

PSL’s customer service extends beyond forums; they’re also active on Wickr, making it easy for customers to reach out directly and get quick responses to their questions. Whether you’re ordering within the U.S. or internationally, PSL has made it straightforward with dedicated tabs for USA Domestic and international shipping, accommodating a broad range of customer needs.

Their extensive product line, including peptides, HGH, steroids, and ancillaries, makes PSL a one-stop shop for many in the bodybuilding community. Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction continues to make them a preferred choice among both new and long-standing users.


  • Flexible Payment Options: You can pay using a variety of methods, including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, traditional options like Zelle, and even direct bank wires. This flexibility makes it easy for everyone to find a convenient way to pay.
  • Broad Shipping Reach: They offer shipping across the USA and to many other countries, making it accessible to a global audience.
  • Community Interaction: They’re really involved in steroid forums, which shows their commitment to staying connected with their user base and providing helpful information.
  • Wide Range of Products: Whether you’re just starting a cycle or looking for post-cycle options, they’ve got plenty of choices to suit any stage of your journey.
  • Top-Notch Customer Support: The customer service team is really on the ball—responsive, helpful, and ready to solve any issues that might come up.
  • Variety in Quantities: The availability of 15ml vials gives you more options to choose from, which is great if you’re looking for a specific quantity.


  • Final Sales Policy: Once your package is marked as delivered, all sales are final. They don’t take responsibility for any mishaps like postal errors or damage that happens after shipping.
  • Limited Shipping Locations: Unfortunately, they don’t ship to military addresses, so if you’re in the service and stationed in such locations, you’ll need to find another supplier.
  • Navigational Challenges: The website could use some work; it’s a bit tricky to navigate, which might be frustrating if you’re not very tech-savvy.
  • Narrow Brand Selection: There used to be more brands available, but the selection has narrowed down quite a bit, which might be a letdown if you’re used to more variety.
  • Holiday Closures: Be aware that they close for vacation for about 2-3 weeks around Christmas, so plan your orders accordingly to avoid delays.

Forum Reviews about PSL:

UGFreak has established itself over the past 12 years as a reliable source in the steroid industry, gaining recognition across several prominent steroid review platforms. They stand out for their commitment to customer satisfaction, confidently guaranteeing the delivery of their packages. The company prominently features Para Pharma as their main brand, offering competitive prices. Para Pharma itself is reputable, with 15 years of trusted service in the market. UGFreak is not only active but also highly supportive on various forums, backed by a robust support team that enhances their customer service. This dedication to quality and support, along with their featured discussions on a recent podcast, highlights UGFreak’s position as a leading distributor in the field.


  • Flexible Payment Methods: They really make it easy to pay how you like. Whether you prefer the security of Bitcoin or the convenience of credit cards and Zelle, they’ve got you covered.
  • Savings Opportunities: They’re generous with discounts, especially if you use Bitcoin, and they even offer price matching to make sure you’re getting the best deal out there.
  • Quick to Respond: If you ever need to get in touch, they’re known for their speedy responses, which makes the whole process smoother.
  • Check Before You Buy: There’s a handy lab testing section on their website where you can see the quality of what you’re buying, which really helps give peace of mind.
  • They’ve Got Your Back: If there’s a problem with shipping, their reship policy is pretty reassuring.


  • Fewer Choices: They don’t carry as many brands as some other places, so if you’re looking for variety, you might find it a bit limiting.
  • Quick Turnaround for Payments: Just a heads up, you’ve got 48 hours to make your payment once you place an order. It can feel a bit rushed if you’re not ready to pay right away.

Forum Reviews about UGFreak: (2024 updated)

Touchdown Product shipping and delivery review for and Para Pharma:

User Logs Diaries for UGFreak and Para Pharma: is your go-to when it comes to quickly getting steroids within Europe. They’re actually the sister site to the well-known and are active on at least five different steroid forums, which really speaks to their reliability and community trust. They’re officially partnered with top brands like Hilma Biocare, Omstal Pharma, Ultima Pharma, and Nakon Medical, ensuring that what you get is 100% genuine. They’ve also got a warehouse which means they ship your orders super fast.

Their product line is pretty comprehensive, covering everything from injectable and oral steroids to HGH and IGF-1, plus all the essentials for post-cycle recovery. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to supplement your ongoing regimen, they’ve got everything you might need.


  • Quick Delivery Times: They’ve got their own warehouse which really speeds things up. You won’t be waiting long for your order to arrive.
  • Easy on the Wallet: If you’re paying with crypto, they don’t have a minimum order amount, making it easier to buy what you need without extra hassle.
  • Helpful Customer Support: Their customer service team is on the ball, always ready to help out and sort any issues you might have.
  • Keeping a Low Profile: They manage to keep things quiet but are still well-connected and respected on various forums.


  • Payment Methods Are a Bit Limited: They only accept MoneyGram and cryptocurrency. It’d be nice to have a few more payment options.
  • Not the Widest Selection: Their brand selection isn’t the largest, so you might not find everything you’re looking for.
  • Occasional Stock Shortages: From time to time, some items run out of stock, which can be a bit of a wait.
  • Tough Luck if Customs Seizes Your Package: If customs grabs your order, you’ll need to provide documents to get a reship, which can definitely be a hassle.
  • Could Use More Online Presence: They’re a bit on the quiet side when it comes to their presence on forums, which might not instill as much confidence in their users.

Forum Reviews about Eu-domestic: is your go-to source for steroids, boasting an impressive selection of well-known brands like Ultima, Nakon, Beligas, Deus, Pharmacom, and Euro-Pharmacies. They’re well-equipped to handle global shipping needs with warehouses located in the USA, Europe, and other international locations. Beyond steroids, they offer a diverse range of products including HGH, peptides, ancillaries, vitamins, sexual wellness items, and prescription drugs, making them a comprehensive shop for your health and wellness needs.


  • Always Up-to-Date Stock: You can see what’s available in real-time, making your shopping hassle-free.
  • Diverse Selection: Whether you’re after steroids or other wellness products, they’ve got a wide range to choose from.
  • More Than Just Steroids: Alongside their main offerings, they also provide a variety of non-steroid products, catering to all aspects of health and fitness.
  • Multiple Ways to Pay: They accommodate different payment preferences, which makes purchasing straightforward.s
  • Great Weekly Deals: Their BOGO deals every week are a fantastic way to get more bang for your buck.


  • Need More Online Interaction: It would be great to see them more active on forums, interacting directly with the community.
  • Contact Options Could Be Better: The only way to get in touch is to fill out a form on their website and wait for an email back, which isn’t always the quickest way to resolve issues.

Forum Reviews about OSGear: is quite the unique online resource. It’s not just your typical site for injectable or oral steroids and HGH/peptides. What sets it apart is its expansive inventory that includes treatments for conditions like diabetes, eye care issues, inflammation, heart ailments, and even antivirals. Plus, they’re one of the few suppliers that also offer needles and syringes, as well as insulin. It’s essentially a one-stop-shop for a wide range of medical needs, making it a standout choice for anyone looking for more than just performance enhancers.


  • Wide Service Area: They offer services across a broad range of regions including the US, EU, Asia, and the UK, making them accessible to a global audience.
  • Extensive Product Range: Alongside a strong lineup of steroids, they boast a very impressive catalog of non-steroid items as well.
  • Lab Testing Assurance: Features a dedicated lab testing section, ensuring the quality and safety of their products.
  • Financial Incentives: Offers loyalty discounts and a price-matching guarantee to help you get the best deals.


  • Complex Website Navigation: The website layout can be confusing, making it hard to navigate.
  • Overwhelming Choices: The vast array of options can be daunting, making it difficult to quickly find what you need.
  • Time-Consuming Searches: Due to the extensive product range and website layout, it can take a while to locate specific items.

Forum Reviews about Steroidify: really goes the extra mile to cater to a global audience, offering delivery options not just in the USA, but across Europe and other international destinations as well. They carry a diverse range of products including oral steroids, injectables, and even some peptides. On top of that, they’ve got you covered if you’re looking into fat loss medications or need performance enhancers.

Navigating their website is a breeze thanks to a super straightforward FAQ section where you can find answers to common questions. If you need more personalized help, there’s an easy system for opening new support tickets and checking the status of existing ones.

What’s truly standout about is their insurance option. They’re one of the few places that offer insurance to cover your order in case it gets lost, seized, or damaged along the way. This kind of commitment to customer service really shows they care about their clients’ experience.


  • Diverse Payment Options: Offers a variety of payment methods, accommodating different preferences.
  • Promotional Offers: Features weekly promotions, keeping things exciting and economical.
  • Generous Giveaways: Regularly hosts giveaways, providing free products to lucky customers.
  • Free Shipping: Provides free delivery on large orders, adding extra value for bulk purchases.


  • Limited Brand Recognition: Some of the brands available aren’t very well-known, which might concern new customers.
  • Sparse Reviews: There are not many reviews posted, which can make it hard to gauge product quality and customer satisfaction.
  • Low Forum Presence: Very few representatives are active on forums, which may limit direct interaction with the community and customer support.

Untrusted Sources with Low quality Score

While some sources might appear in the top 10 list, they’ve been flagged as unreliable, potentially engaging in scams or selectively scamming users. It’s a bit unclear, but just to be cautious, we’ve placed them at the lower end of our rankings.

A word of advice: it might be best to steer clear of purchasing from these vendors to avoid any potential issues. claims to offer lab-tested products, though they don’t guarantee the quality. They promote 24/7 customer service and offer free advice with any purchase. Despite assertions of having over 3500 customers and 5800 worldwide deliveries, these figures couldn’t be confirmed. With the business only operational for six months, their claims raise doubts and suggest potential deceptive practices. They market GenLabs as their primary brand, shipping from a U.S. warehouse, and also sell products from Evolve Bio Labs.


  • Offers free educational content and information about steroids on their website.


  • The website can be slow and is often disrupted by unwanted popups.
  • Limited selection of brands available.
  • Minimal presence on forums and lack of representatives for customer interaction.
  • Displays fake reviews and unverified statistics on their website, which questions their credibility., also known as, markets itself as a direct seller of Pharmacom Labs products, claiming not to involve any middlemen. They have been in the business for about 10 years, but there are significant concerns about the authenticity and purity of their products. They advertise a variety of at least 40 different steroids, but there’s a real issue with verifying the legitimacy of these products. It’s advised to be cautious as Basicstero has a reputation for selling fake and counterfeit items, including supposed Pharmacom Labs steroids and HGH.


  • Unfortunately, there are no positive aspects to highlight as the products sold are reportedly counterfeit.


  • Limited product availability, with many items frequently out of stock.
  • Restricted variety, offering only one brand.
  • Allegations of selling fake Pharmacom Labs products.
  • Lab certificates are reportedly falsified and photoshopped.
  • Shipping costs are considered high.

For anyone looking for genuine steroids, it’s strongly recommended to steer clear of Basicstero due to these numerous issues.

Forum Reviews about Basicstero:, previously known as,, and “Drugs Gear”, has a checkered history of rebranding itself due to accusations of scamming its customers. Despite branding itself as a domestic (U.S.-based) supplier, it actually ships from China, misleading customers about the origins of its shipments. The products sold, particularly the ZPHC brand, have been reported to cause infections, injuries, and even hospital visits. has also been implicated in serious ethical breaches, including lying about product authenticity and doxxing its customers by releasing their private information. This vendor is considered high-risk, and it’s strongly advised to avoid purchasing from them due to these deceptive and dangerous practices.


  • Offers low prices, but be wary as these are likely for counterfeit products.


  • Known to carry fake and dangerous products from the ZPHC brand.
  • Misleadingly claims to ship domestically within the USA while actually shipping from China.
  • Associated with health risks, including potential infections from their products.
  • Lacks legitimate lab certification; all purported tests and certifications are fake.
  • Issues fake tracking numbers.
  • Suffers from overwhelmingly negative reviews across various platforms.

Forum Reviews about Alandomestic, as you can see very negative: has landed in hot water for selling counterfeit steroids and failing to ship products. Reports suggest that they have even tried to manipulate their reputation by bribing moderators on forums like to secure positive reviews, ensuring their continued business. They’ve also been accused of selectively scamming customers by mislabeling products, such as sending testosterone labeled as primobolan, or sometimes sending nothing at all. With such a history, it’s no wonder Pureanabolics is burdened with a slew of negative reviews as of March 2024.


  • Unfortunately, there are no positive attributes worth noting due to the serious nature of the accusations against them.


  • Engages in selling counterfeit anabolic steroids.
  • Ships from India, falsely claiming to be a U.S. domestic source.
  • Linked to multiple reports of infections resulting from product use.
  • Lacks any genuine lab certifications; all purported product tests are reportedly falsified.
  • Issues fake tracking numbers to customers.
  • Faces overwhelmingly negative feedback across various forums.

Given these serious allegations, it’s strongly advised to steer clear of Pureanabolics and seek out more reputable and transparent suppliers for safety and reliability.