Hello again everyone, your favorite Texan here back with another one 
43yrs old, 5'10", 206lbs
This is my first cycle of anything other than SARMS and Test..
For this 8 week cycle I'm going to be running
• TrenE - 200mg/wk, 100mg every 3.5 days (Geneza Pharmaceuticals, Napsgear)
• Anavar - 50mg ed, 25mg am/pm (Nakon Medical, OSGear)
• Test Cyp- 500mg/wk, 250mg every 3.5 days (Dragon Pharma, NapsGear)
My goal is to put on as much lean mass as possible.
I still struggle with my diet, both with keeping it clean enough and also getting enough calories when I'm on a cycle. Feel like I'll be able to do a little better with this than last round.
Life still just a hectic and demanding but I feel like I've gotten better at just saying fuck it and going to the gym and lo and behold all that shits still waiting for me when I get back and the world hasn't ended because I took a break. Still only able to get to the gym in the evenings, sometimes not till 8or9 but I get there asap.
Sleep still sux, maybe not quite as bad. I was 3-3.5 hrs a night, now I usually get at least 4 maybe a little more but not much except Fri&Sat
Unfortunately my Anavar isn't here yet but cleared China customs almost 2 weeks ago so guessing I'll have it within a week which is why I said fuck it and went ahead and started the cycle today (minus the Anavar) because today is my shot day and didn't want to throw a wrench in my routine or have to wait once it got here and also, as I'm sure yall figured out already I was just anxious to get this shit going
So today is Day 1:
• 125mg TrenE
• 250mg TestCyp
My shots will be
• Tues(pm)
• Sat(am)
For support I'm taking:
• 5% Liver&Organ Support
• Tudca 1000 or 2000mg ed (which should I go with?)
• Citrus Bergamot
• Burdock Root
• Berberine plus
• 1 Lemon squeezed into glass of water every morning
Other supplements I take regularly
• Vitamin D³/K2 (1000iu/150mcg)
• Vitamin C (1000mg)
• DHEA (Alternating 50/25mg ed)
• B12-Methylcobalamin (15,000iu)
• Magnesium Glycinate (500mg)
... think that's it....

43yrs old, 5'10", 206lbs
This is my first cycle of anything other than SARMS and Test..
For this 8 week cycle I'm going to be running
• TrenE - 200mg/wk, 100mg every 3.5 days (Geneza Pharmaceuticals, Napsgear)
• Anavar - 50mg ed, 25mg am/pm (Nakon Medical, OSGear)
• Test Cyp- 500mg/wk, 250mg every 3.5 days (Dragon Pharma, NapsGear)
My goal is to put on as much lean mass as possible.
I still struggle with my diet, both with keeping it clean enough and also getting enough calories when I'm on a cycle. Feel like I'll be able to do a little better with this than last round.
Life still just a hectic and demanding but I feel like I've gotten better at just saying fuck it and going to the gym and lo and behold all that shits still waiting for me when I get back and the world hasn't ended because I took a break. Still only able to get to the gym in the evenings, sometimes not till 8or9 but I get there asap.
Sleep still sux, maybe not quite as bad. I was 3-3.5 hrs a night, now I usually get at least 4 maybe a little more but not much except Fri&Sat
Unfortunately my Anavar isn't here yet but cleared China customs almost 2 weeks ago so guessing I'll have it within a week which is why I said fuck it and went ahead and started the cycle today (minus the Anavar) because today is my shot day and didn't want to throw a wrench in my routine or have to wait once it got here and also, as I'm sure yall figured out already I was just anxious to get this shit going

So today is Day 1:
• 125mg TrenE
• 250mg TestCyp
My shots will be
• Tues(pm)
• Sat(am)
For support I'm taking:
• 5% Liver&Organ Support
• Tudca 1000 or 2000mg ed (which should I go with?)
• Citrus Bergamot
• Burdock Root
• Berberine plus
• 1 Lemon squeezed into glass of water every morning
Other supplements I take regularly
• Vitamin D³/K2 (1000iu/150mcg)
• Vitamin C (1000mg)
• DHEA (Alternating 50/25mg ed)
• B12-Methylcobalamin (15,000iu)
• Magnesium Glycinate (500mg)