They’re doing better both of them are on amoxicillin so hopefully it’ll clear up in the next few days. I’ve been staying away from them and sleeping on the couch lmao I can’t afford to get sick this close to the show
Hey guys I’m back somehow my girlfriend and son both got ear infections lol so my sleep has been minimal the past few days since I last posted. I still went to the gym but I can’t even tell you what my lifts were due to being exhausted and this diet kicking my ass. Basically I’m getting to the...
Thanks brother there was more to it but my focus was off and I missed a couple sets. To make a long story short, it was either go to the gym or catch a domestic violence case lol.
September 1st
Machine row
Single arm
90lbs 10reps
180lbs 8reps
Both arms
180lbs 2 reps
Machine broke on me
Wide grip Tbar row
Over hand
135lbs 15reps
225lbs 10reps
280lbs 10reps
315lbs 5reps
315lbs 6reps
Under hand
315lbs 7reps
315lbs 5reps
280lbs 10reps
280lbs 9reps...
Thanks brother I’ve been grinding my but off. Still nervous about doing classic physique so I’ve been really hard on myself when it comes training and my legs lol