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lgd4033, ostarine mk2866 and s23 stack


19% body fat or lower
goals: lose body fat, gain muscle, gain strength, low sides
the plan:
lgd4033: 25mgs a day
ostarine mk2866 30mgs a day
s23: 25mgs a day
this will be my cycle and I plan on doing a mini pct.
19% body fat or lower
goals: lose body fat, gain muscle, gain strength, low sides
the plan:
lgd4033: 25mgs a day
ostarine mk2866 30mgs a day
s23: 25mgs a day
this will be my cycle and I plan on doing a mini pct.
lgd and osta is good but not s23

20mgs ostarine
10mgs lgd
20mgs rad
Only use a forum approved sponsored source like Umbrella Labs. They are the best of the best in the SARMS game.
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