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Approved Log Mavs "RCS" SARMS Bridge Log

working construction and weight training doesn't mix
that's just the reality of it for a lot of people
@Maverick602 you're not changing that? just staying same on the training?

RCS sarms are legit for sure, very good quality Im on the cardarine now its SOLID
any pic updates for you?
I’m really confused about my training at the moment bro. Yes, I said I was changing that training regime listed to what I was doing on my last cycle, BUT these last couple week I haven’t been on a structured program as I tend to make knee. Now I’m not just wandering around the gym by any means. I am however using my mental database and building a daily program in my head based on how I have felt.

It’s ok but I thrive with structure and that means I need shot written down.

My thought was to reclaim the structure and use the program I listed for the next three weeks before returning to my previous program which was working well.

I suppose I could just return to that program now.
I’m really confused about my training at the moment bro. Yes, I said I was changing that training regime listed to what I was doing on my last cycle, BUT these last couple week I haven’t been on a structured program as I tend to make knee. Now I’m not just wandering around the gym by any means. I am however using my mental database and building a daily program in my head based on how I have felt.

It’s ok but I thrive with structure and that means I need shot written down.

My thought was to reclaim the structure and use the program I listed for the next three weeks before returning to my previous program which was working well.

I suppose I could just return to that program now.
@Maverick602 i would go back to full training just lower weights and go with reps
work around the injuries
SARMS Update:

It is very important to mention that at this point I can confidently say the RCS SARMS are legit and working very well. My average resting heart rate dropped 7 points since starting this bridge from 58 to 51.

While I am in a caloric deficit, I can tell my gains are "enhanced". Any vets in here know what I mean. There is no way to quantify what the PED gains are specifically, but it is clear to me these work as expected.

Strength gains from my previous cycle have not dropped much. (except in my legs, but that is because I am having trouble with my knee)

Cardio endurance is most certainly enhanced - most likely due to the GW.

Very happy with this bridge so far!
They great

It's been a little crazy lately at work and at home and I have been spending the last couple weeks trying to work around my injuries, aches and pains.

Body Weight:
I am down to 210 and would like to lose another 10 lbs of fat over the next 2 months, which I believe it totally reasonable. I will post updated pics sometime next week when I have more time.

My diet is solid and I am sticking to what I listed earlier in this thread with one variable meal prep meal per day. Total calories around 2500 and I am sticking to that because if I did lower, I get really hungry and want to binge. What does a binge look like? Shoving a burger or piece of pizza in my mouth. At 50, it takes me a freaking day to recover my fat loss gains when I do that shit and life is too short. Fuck that.

My Liver, this bridge and next cycle:
My enzymes are still elevated and I know what I need to do. Lose fat and stop taking orals for a while. My Bridge is over next Wednesday and while I was going to start a cutting cycle of Enth, EQ and Anavar, I decided to delay that and just stay on TRT until I get my liver values back in check.

After 18+ months of being back in the PED game at the age of 50 here is what I learned. STICK WITH WHAT WORKS! Every time I switch up my training program, I have an issue with my knee or my elbow or this or that. Variation is ok, but I need to keep them right sized! Each and everything piece of the program below is purposefully laid out to work AROUND my injuries and/or keep those injuries at bay.

Switching shit up only screws me up. I ain't 25, 35 or even 45 anymore. I look amazing for my age, but looking good is secondary to me feeling strong and staying injury free.

Screenshot 2024-02-24 at 1.19.41 PM.png

It's been a little crazy lately at work and at home and I have been spending the last couple weeks trying to work around my injuries, aches and pains.

Body Weight:
I am down to 210 and would like to lose another 10 lbs of fat over the next 2 months, which I believe it totally reasonable. I will post updated pics sometime next week when I have more time.

My diet is solid and I am sticking to what I listed earlier in this thread with one variable meal prep meal per day. Total calories around 2500 and I am sticking to that because if I did lower, I get really hungry and want to binge. What does a binge look like? Shoving a burger or piece of pizza in my mouth. At 50, it takes me a freaking day to recover my fat loss gains when I do that shit and life is too short. Fuck that.

My Liver, this bridge and next cycle:
My enzymes are still elevated and I know what I need to do. Lose fat and stop taking orals for a while. My Bridge is over next Wednesday and while I was going to start a cutting cycle of Enth, EQ and Anavar, I decided to delay that and just stay on TRT until I get my liver values back in check.

After 18+ months of being back in the PED game at the age of 50 here is what I learned. STICK WITH WHAT WORKS! Every time I switch up my training program, I have an issue with my knee or my elbow or this or that. Variation is ok, but I need to keep them right sized! Each and everything piece of the program below is purposefully laid out to work AROUND my injuries and/or keep those injuries at bay.

Switching shit up only screws me up. I ain't 25, 35 or even 45 anymore. I look amazing for my age, but looking good is secondary to me feeling strong and staying injury free.

View attachment 9476
@Maverick602 good update we missed you bro :)
10lbs down thats perfect would be cool to get a pic

whats supps you doing now?
any meal pics?
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