I’m looking to do a diet to help me bulk up
my main goal is to put on about 20 or 30 lbs over the next year or two
what are some foods that you recommend for me?
I’ve already tried increasing my protein but it seems to upset my stomach
I’m looking to run ghrp2 and my goal is bulking.
Not sure what to stack it with ? Should I stack with a peptide or should I stack it with a sarm?
My plan is to run 150mcg EOD, or should I run it daily or even twice a day? I’m 48 years old and I’m 205 lbs
22 years old, 5’9’’ and 145 pounds
ran a steroid cycle and had crazy sides with blood pressure and acne.
I’m looking to get some bulking action on my next sarms cycle while keeping sides low.
What do you think about using lgd4033 25mgs a day
then adding ostarine mk2866 20mgs a day for 12 weeks...
I was listening to some guys on YouTube and they were saying that GW 501 516 can actually be an effective bulker
they said that the reason is is it helps you in the gym push more weight and get more repetitions to failure
I thought that was stupid but I wanted to see what you guys opinion was of...
I’m interested in trying sarms and I would like to put together a bulking stack
I’m 30 years old and I’m around 220 lbs and I’m 6’5”
goal is to get to 230 lbs
I want to do s23 at 25 mg a day for 8 weeks
and then stack some S4 at 50 mg for 12 weeks
with this work good for me as someone who’s a...
I’m looking to get even more bulking while on my steroid cycle
notice that appetite has slowly been decreasing so I’m wondering if there was a supplement I could take to get my appetite back up?
What are your thoughts on the best supplements for this
I’m looking to bulk up using testosterone and also mixing it with more steroids.
My strategy is going to be a 16 week cycle
I’m 35 years old and I’m 6 ft tall 180 lbs
my end goal is to get up to 220 lbs
my thoughts are this:
test E 2x per week 500mgs total per week
either EQ or Primo 500mgs a...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #113-Options for moderate bulking but not bloating from Ultima
Wanted to take a quick poll on your experiences when it comes to using steroids and how you’ve been able to cut versus bulk on them
I’m sort of in the middle I’m around 200 lbs and 6 ft tall I’m not sure if I should cut down from here or if I should bulk my body fat is somewhere in the mid-teens...
I’m desperate to add some muscle mass to my frame
we’ve already established that follistatin344 is a waste. I respect that and I get that. So please don’t bash me.
But what are the alternatives when it comes to using peptides or even sarms that fit what I am looking for?
I’ve been around the...
I’m desperate to put on some bulk and strength on my next steroid cycle
my plan is doing 50mgs a day anadrol for like 5 weeks
what would you recommend I run with it for maximum gains?
I’m currently 5’9’’ and 175 pounds and around 15% body fat and 26 years old
please give me some tips
I’m 42 years old and I’m 172 lbs looking to put on some quality muscle mass
currently eating around 2200 calories per day. looking to do a moderate lean bulk and put on some mass. What do you think about equipoise 400mgs a week for 16 weeks.
Then I can add in some dbol to kickstart and anavar to...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #100 - Best bulking steroid options from Para Pharma
Evolutionary.org Underground 40 - What feeling big feels like? products to bulk using Euro Pharma
I’m currently 265 lbs and I’m 5’10”
28 years old and I’m looking to cut down
I’ve spent the past few years dirty bulking and it’s time for me to start going the opposite direction. I was working out the other day and started to get really dizzy and sweaty and I realized that dirty bulking is no...
I’m currently 140 lbs and I like to start gaining more weight. The front of mine suggested a weight gain or shake twice a day but after trying them I get explosive diarrhea and they upset my stomach
what are the best supplements that I can incorporate for bulking. Ones that won’t mess up my...
planning my next sarms stack to bulk me up
I’m a big believer in the stronger you can push weight the more your muscles will grow and you’ll be able to bulk up
also plan on increasing my calories up to 4000 A day
I’m currently in my 30s and I am 5’10” and 200 lbs
I’m looking to use lgd4033 20mgs...
not looking to get huge or anything and really change my physique but I would like to get some mild bulking done
I’m currently around 160 lbs and I’m 5’7”
what would you run if you had to choose between RAD and LGD?
Which one would be better and what can I start stacking when it comes to sarms?
you won’t go wrong with geneza pharma if you want to bulk up.
Did their testosterone enanthate with equipoise. 500Mgs each. Increase my calories and protein and also added a day to my workout routine during the week.
Had fantastic results from the get-go and definitely felt the steroids kicking...
I’m 24 years old
and I am currently six foot 1.. 185 pounds
I’m looking to bulk up using rad140 and s23
what would be the best dose to run, I might start at 10mgs a day but if I increase the dose I will get more bottles that is why I’m asking.
I’m training five times a week and I’m eating around...