looking to do sarms for 9 weeks
I’m 22 and built nice, solid frame and 6’1’’ 180 pounds.
Looking to run some sarms.
My stack is gonna look like this:
9 weeks lgd4033 25mgs a day
4.5 weeks rad140 20mgs a day
would this work for bulking? I want to gain about 20 pounds or so
I’m currently 145 pounds and five foot seven
I think I have some room to bulk up I plan on eating in a 500 calorie Surplus over the next 10 weeks and using lgd and rad
my dosing is going to be 10 milligrams a day and I’m going to push things hard for the next 10 weeks and try to get as much size...
I know that technically you can use any steroid for cutting or bulking but I want to definitely bulk this time
my goal is to use some deca
would like to use 600 milligrams a week and stack in some dbol 20mgs a day with proviron
I’m five foot six and I weigh approximately 72 kilos and I’m 28...
Wanted to learn more about using RAD.
Heard this stuff is good for bulking, but wasn’t sure about using it for anything else.
Would you say it was good to use for a 21 year old new to this ?
I’ve been training for 2 years and currently 220 pounds and 20% body fat.
Evolutionary.org Underground 31 - Oral Only Bulking Cycles for Winter with Geneza
I’m just a skinny poor college kid trying to make ends meet
currently I live with three roommates and sometimes they let me use their protein powder or their weight gainer
doesn’t really agree with my stomach though so I tend to avoid them
with supplements would be good for bulking for someone...
so never tried yk11 and s4 yet
But I’m reading some really good reviews on how it is a really good bulk option
can you tell me a bit about the S4 Vision side effects and how those will affect me and when I can expect at 50 milligrams a day
also how much yk11 is too much? I would like to run the...
Evolutionary.org Underground 30 - Best Bulking Cycles for Winter with Geneza
I’m looking to do some lean bulking on my next cycle
looking at doing several steroids
equipoise sounds really good
primo also sounds good
help me choose which one I should go with.
I want to do testosterone at 250mgs a week
12 weeks is the cycle length
I’m 46 years old
6’ tall and 232 pounds
weird question I know because most people who use sarm are really skinny but I’m looking to dirty bulk up
I’m 225 pounds and would like to get up to 240 or 245 pounds and get really strong
not worried about adding body fat at this time so I plan on eating over 5000 calories a day
do you...
my coach is getting me setup on a bulking steroid stacking
He has me doing 50mg a day of Anadrol
500 mg week of deca
400 mg a week of testosterone
he also has my calories going up to 4,500 per day and my carbs at 140 grams per day
I’m 5 foot 10 inches and I am 206 pounds. 28 years old and my...
I'm looking to do something a little bit different and go in bulk into my show coming up in 3 months
so this is going to be a 12-week cycle for me
I'm currently 28 years old 5'10 and 160 lb. my body fat is 7%, so I have room
The stack i want to try is:
Deca 300mgs a week
Anavar 100mgs a day...
Is it possible to do a lean bulk on testosterone only? or would I be better served stacking it with something equipoise or primobolan at high doses?
Thinking of doing 1000mgs of EQ or primo and then low dose test, like maybe 150-200mgs
Or would i be better off just doing 600mgs of test solo with...
Has anyone tried bulking up and then cutting on the same exact cycle?
Let’s say i want to put on like 10-15 pounds of size, then i want to cut down back 5 pounds of fat at the end is this plausible? My plan is like this:
Deca durabolin + testosterone 10 weeks
Then 5 weeks of mast prop and...
What are gonna be the best 3 steroids to use for bulking?
I’m currently around 6’2’’ and 178 pounds
I’ve got room to fill out without being fat. I'm super lean and I train around 4 to 5 times a week
I'm 27 years old
My friend wants me to go on sustanon, equipoise and deca together
would these...
hey guys !
i'm pretty much a skinny guy
I’m 5’8’’ and 120 pounds
I want to bulk up more i'm really tired of always being the skinniest dude around, i'm hitting the gym (almost 2 years now) already tried protein shakes + diet.
Which sarms should I pick for a skinny person like me ? it's my...