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I'm looking to bulk up and get some weight gained on my frame
looking at a product that is a bulking powder which also contains amino acids and taurine in the formula.
it contains 15 g of sugar and it contains about 30 carbs per serving. it's got around 225 calories total per scoop. do you think...
I did a couple testosterone cycles and I didn't really like them. I put on way too much water retention and I felt tired all day. I figured it's just not for me
would like to try a different injectable steroid but not sure which one goes good solo
I have read that masteron is a good one, but it...
Besides tren, anadrol, superdrol and halo what are the best strength and bulking steroids that you recommend?
Does such a thing even exist that is mild and also is really good for the above. or do you have to go with more harsher steroids ?
I'm 62 kilos and I'm 5'11 very skinny and I want to get...
I want to do a dirty bulk
I’ve put on 20 pounds over the past year and reached a plateau of 165 lb and I'm 5 ft 5 in
My goal now is to hit 190. I plan to eat everything i can
I’ve got a plan
Sustanon 500mgs a week
Deca durabolin 400mgs a week
Dianabol dbol 30mgs a day
Anything i should change?
I’m 6’1’’ and need to bulk up
176 pounds. I feel like i can add 20 pounds to my frame very easily
I’m 28 years old
I plan on using a couple different steroids
Testosterone 600mgs a week
Equipoise 800mgs a week
Deca durabolin 500mgs a week
12.5mgs twice a week aromasin
Nolva, clomid and...
I wanted to run a cycle to help me bulk up, appetite has been a problem for me. this stack has been excellent. My appetite is way up and I am gaining fast. feeling great on it. ordering was smooth they got me everything on time. products was perfectly packed. ordered sustanon and deca. results... Hardcore 2.0 #4 - Fall Bulking Cycles with Euro Pharmacies
I am ready to build some size that is real.
I’m 5’8’’ and 140 pounds. I am muscular but it's very lean muscular if you know what I mean
I’m 22 years old
Which sarms would work for me?
Would bulking on sarms be something that was doable or is that a pipe dream?
I’m 24 years old
138 pounds
Need to put on some bulk, i’m too weak and skinny
Heard that YK11 was the best. Could i use 30mgs a day for 10 weeks with good results or something else?
I'm currently 27 years old and I weigh 183 lb at 6 ft 1 in
This will be my 3rd cycle
I ran equipoise my last cycle and I did 800 mg a week and I had really good results
this time I want to run it again at a lower dose but then stack something else with it
Would trenbolone be a good option for...
What is your advice for someone who wants to get bigger on sarms
I'm 6 ft tall and I weigh 158 pounds
I think for my height I should be closer to 200 right?
Is RAD good for bulking? If so With 25 mg a day be a good dose for 12 weeks?
I’m also looking to try and oral with it 473 Best Steroid Cycles for Bulking and Newbies on N00bs getting scammed
hello my friends it is time for me to get a bulking cycle going
I have 12 vials of Trenbolone that I had ordered in bulk when a discount. I did not use any yet because I didn't feel like I was ready. But now a year later I feel like it's time for me to get on it
I'm going to be using 500 mg a...
There’s a very underrated compound that’s commonly sold along with SARMS, but doesn’t really get its due.
It’s called Nutrobal or MK677 or Ibutamoren.
For those who are new to this, MK677 is a growth hormone secretagogue that increases the amount of HGH and IGF-1 produced in your body.