I’m using a steroid cycle which includes test and tren. My cholesterol is added control on the cycle. Total cholesterol is 230 and bad cholesterol and good cholesterol are out of range. Also my kidney numbers are a bit off as well 1 out of the 2 were off
What is a support supplement that I...
I would like to get a boost overall to my heart health and that is why I’m asking your advice when it comes to supplements that I should be using
what are some good options and how much of them would you use for best results?
I’m 44 years old and I recently got my cholesterol checked and my good...
I’m looking to do cholesterol improvements. Thought they would get better after cycle but they have stayed out of whack and I definitely need some advice as to one of my supposed to do.
Is there a supplement that can help cholesterol and really cure this issue or do I just need to wait it out
I’ve been working really hard to get my cholesterol levels back in line where they need to be.
Managed to get them back then I ran a steroid cycle and now they are back off again.
Definitely needs something that I can take with supplements that can help balance my cholesterol so it’s not still...
I’m looking to get some tesamorelin and try it out
I know some of the sources on here now carry it and its getting some good reviews so far. I’m 217 pounds and 25% body fat and 5’6’’. gonna start a weight loss diet and want to add it. Hoping it can also help with recovery, cholesterol and boost...
so I’m disappointed in my cholesterol levels they are getting out of hand
using several different steroids currently and have previously
my first few Cycles I did not have this issue but now things are getting bad
wondering what supplements can help with cholesterol
please give me some advice
I’m looking to improve my cholesterol levels
seeking some advice on the best foods that can help with this
I’ve read some tips and I wanted to run them back by you
one of the tips is avoiding trans fats
another one is increasing soluble fiber
some cholesterol healthy foods include avocados and...
I’m currently doing tren and my cholesterol levels are high
need some help as to how to fix it
supplements are going to be what I would like to buy
what are the best legal supplements that I can order online and have shipped directly to my house I help with cholesterol? Okay
my total cholesterol is approaching 300 and I’m a bit concerned about it
what are some of the supplements and I can start using to get that number more under control
my doctor wants me to go on medication because he said that I’m opening myself up to a stroke
I was wondering what you guys thought would be bad cholesterol levels for someone who Cycles steroids off and on for years in a row
right now my total testosterone levels are 260.
I know anything above 200 is bad but if you are using steroids should I consider the number being under 300 still...
my current cholesterol numbers are really poor. both Total cholesterol, bad cholesterol is high, good cholesterol is low
I'm trying to get an improvement to my numbers overall
I read some good things about supplementing and how it can help with this issue. do you trust supplements to do the job...
My LDL cholesterol is too high
I need to get it down
What supplements are the best right now for helping with cholesterol levels and how much of it do I need to take for how long
I have bad cholesterol numbers
good cholesterol is down
bad cholesterol is up
this has me worried. They haven’t gotten better either
which supplement would work best?
I went and I got my blood work done and they sent me the results and my cholesterol levels were 230 total
that is too high it should be under 200 according to my doctor. he wants to put me on cholesterol medication but said I could try supplements first to see if that would work. Which...
I have high blood pressure and I also have bad cholesterol levels
I'm wondering if there's any Diets that would work good for me that you have tried that has gotten this thing fixed.
my cholesterol total is 225 and my blood pressure is 170 over 110
This question is more for my uncle who has been amazed that my progress since I started using steroids
he used them many years ago but he didn't really know what he was doing and I'm trying to help him that's why I'm coming on here
he is 56 years old and he is in pretty good health. Maybe his...