I’m currently in my PCT and I’m definitely feeling the crash
wondering what kind of supplements you’d recommend me to take to help me get out of this rut
I’m not a very sexual person, but man my libido has taken a beating.
I’m also very moody and I’m kind of depressed
I’m doing 2CC’s per week of test prop and around 200mgs a week NPP. Splititng up the dosing 3x per week of each.
Anyway I’m starting to notice some gyno issues where I’m getting swelling and hard glands in both my nipples.
The weird thing is from day one I notice my right nipple giving me issues...
I’m looking to use support supplements to get better results when I’m on cycle
I know that sounds weird but I really believe if your body is in good condition that you’ll have even better results and you normally would
do you think that this is true and what’s supplement do you recommend for...
I’m gonna be doing a cycle where I am doing over a gram of gear a week
want to keep things as safe and smart as possible
how much n2guard would work best for me?
Also the cycle will be 8 weeks and then 8 weeks off. Should I run n2guard during both phases?
currently 5’9’’ 217 pounds. I’m a naturally big dude, and I want to get more clean gains so I’m turning to sarms.
My friend used them and had good results.
He suggested a cycle like this:
lgd4033, 10mgs for 8 weeks then 20mgs for 8 more weeks
gw501516 cardarine 20mgs for 8 weeks then 25mgs for 8...
I’m excited to try a primobolan cycle but this time I want to go 16 weeks. What do you suggest I use with it for best results?
I’m 26 years old and this is the first time I have used steroids like this. But I have used Pro hormones in the past and orals.
My main goal is lean mass and cutting. I...
I’m looking for the best options in between my cycle to help me hold my gains
I’ve honestly worked really hard on this cycle and I was training six times a week and I was dedicated to it the only reason I take a day off during the week was just because I would be so exhausted
I really want to...
So I have some bad news I’m starting to lose some muscle during my post Cycle Therapy
not sure what to do from here except cry
but seriously what are some supplements I should be taking to help conserve my muscle
I’ve worked too damn hard to build up this muscle size as a hard Gainer I don’t...
I’m looking to use gonadorelin for fertility help after cycle. After doing some research and talking to a couple professional bodybuilders they recommend I take this stuff post cycle. They said I should take it twice a week for about four weeks and then run a pct.
Others say you are supposed to...
I Absolutely love to bulk and I especially love to use dianabol.
Last cycle I ran it gained about 15-20 pounds on only 30mgs a day. Interested in using it again and bulking once again. Planning on eating 6x per day and getting in about 1000 cals per meal. I know its a lot but I want to go for...
I’m looking for the best supplements that I should run between Cycles to get the best results in terms of health and keeping my gains
I’m currently in my late 30s I’m trying my best to stay in shape.
Just came off a 20 week cycle and I’m going to take about 15 weeks off
I’m looking for the best thing to use during pct.
Not looking to do anything to drastic but would like to Aid in my recovery.
Which pct products would work best?
I’m only 22 years old and I don’t want to screw myself up but I did run a 12 week cycle and I did not prepare enough for pct
I’m currently five foot 11 216 pounds and around 12% body fat
24 years old and I’m ready to do my first steroid cycle
I wanted to get a consensus on here on if you should or shouldn’t run an oral only cycle.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing one
Gonna either go or not based on...
I’m about to run anavar, winstrol and test/tren mix. Worried about pumps on this cycle because I do like to do a lot of cardio post-workout usually 45 minutes to even an hour.
How much taurine do I need on something like this?
Up into I take it before my workouts or I just take it in the morning...
Another great cycle from my boys at geneza pharma.
So proud of the great team for making the transaction as easy as pie.
Everything from placing my order to paying them and then getting my tracking information so I could track my package to my doorstep was fantastic.
I highly recommend using...
I know that on cycle a lot of people get a lot of water retention from using steroids
trust me I get that part
my question though is how to avoid water retention when you’re off-cycle as well
any advice as to which supplements with work good I’ve heard that different flowers and herbs can be...
my sarms cycle I want to do for my first time is a big one.
I’m 27 years old and 220 pounds
goal is fat loss and more strength
the 2 sarms I want to use are gw and s23.
I know monstro is a big fan on them and I respect him highly!
Please tell me how to run them.
so when I was in my 20s I would use steroids and never having any issues with hair loss. But after I turned 30 my hair loss is definitely accelerating no matter which steroids I use and even if I only run short Cycles
Anyway can you recommend sometime of shampoo or some type of supplements that...
so I’m gonna be doing a 2nd cycle. Using sustanon 500mgs a week and then adding in something to kickstart.
I’ve read there are several good options for kickstarting with oral steroids and I’m not sure which one to pick.
85kg, 6’ tall and would like to bulk up.