I just did a steroid cycle and am amazed at how much hair is gone
I’m currently on trenbolone enanthate and testosterone cypionate
I am doing 300mgs each. When I brush my hair I noticed it on my comb a lot
will this stop happening or will pct make it worse?
It looks like N2BM is out of all the stuff I need. Anyone know how often they restock? And I really hate to ask this, anything else like N2Guard and N2Generate?
I’m looking for a new source after my gym dealer got arrested
PSL caught my eye
Do they have everything i would need for both on cycle and pct?
I'm looking for a source that can carry everything like my old buddy did before he was taken away
I am looking to keep things simple here
I’m 25 years old
first time using sarms. 5’8’’ 174 pounds
want to achieve a better look
was thinking of doing sr9009 + rad140+ s23.
How long should I run them and how long pct?
Here is my anadrol cycle
50mgs a day increasing to 100mgs week 4-6
I’m 6’2’’ 212 pounds and 14% body fat
I increased my calories to 3500 per day
I’m up about 8 pounds and i’m on week 6.
Should i come off and pct or can i keep running it 2 more weeks?
This is the 3rd time i have used napsgear
After this experience i realized this is the only place i will shop from now on
I ordered some pct items this time and all got to me within 10 days and the customer service is on top of things. They even told me my pack would ship and it did on time
Should have done my research on dashpct company
Their products are not well reviewed
I use them for pct and I did not recover properly. Now i might have to go on TRT. it really stinks. Be careful
How much sense does it make to use ostarine mk2866 for both cycle and pct?
I want to get more benefits with joint health and also with lean muscle mass
would doing ostarine 50mg a day for 12 weeks then using it for another 6 weeks in pct work good for me or is there a better way to use it?
I'm currently having some issues with this brand of steroids and I think that it's underdosed. I want to switch to a different one to see if there's a change.
I was wondering if it was okay to change the source in the brand of testosterone I was using early in the cycle or should i just finish...
Approximately how much do you think i should expect to pay for an entire sarms stack and pct?
I’m planning on doing a 12 week cycle of sarms
I’m 23 years old
Just got out of college and in debt, money is an issue
My pct is going to be 4 weeks
Can you give me an idea/
I have been on sarms for about 30 weeks. I know that is a long time but I had a bunch of bottles sitting here and I didn't want them to go bad so I went ahead and just ran 1 long cycle
what is the best way to come off of them? Should I start tapering or should I just stop it cold turkey and then...
What is the general rule to win to start PCT
I'll be doing the perfect PCT that is on Evo
my question is when am I supposed to start it. Is it supposed to be 2 weeks after my last injection or do I start it right when I finish my cycle
I read that some people start their post cycle too early and...
I’m coming Off a steroid cycle where I gained 15 lbs and feel fantastic. It's time for me to run a post Cycle Therapy but I want to keep my endurance up and kick ass at the gym. I was wondering if I can use sr9009 during PC tea or should I try something else. Nobody has ever mentioned in that's...
How do I Bridge using sarms in between Cycles in also mixing it with post Cycle Therapy
Example oh, I'm coming off a 12-week cycle of using a bunch of steroids and then I'm going to do an 8-week pct. would I be able to run sarms after that for another twelve weeks then hop right back on the next...
Let’s say you are doing a 12 week cycle and halfway through something happens where you have to just stop everything to attend to more serious matters. Has this ever happened to any of you and what ended up happening? Would you have to just jump to pct or could you just stop cold turkey
I'm going to be finishing up my testosterone enanthate cycle. I was doing 250 mg a week for 20 weeks. I had some pretty good games. I went from 165 lb up to 185 lb so I gained about 20 lb. So that is one pound a week. I feel pretty good and I'm a lot stronger in the gym as well. How do I keep my...