I’m 56 years old. 190 pounds and 5’6’’
Looking to use nutrobal properly for help with anti aging purposes, also to help me with sleep.
Reading a lot of conflicting information on it
some people say you need to use it for a long period Of time and some people say that’s not necessary
also timing...
I’ve been trying all kinds of different medication from benzos to trazodone to mirtaz. I’ve also been using a lot of over the counter stuff and even cough medicine to knock me out. Nothing seems to be working for me.
I took a test for sleep apnea and I was negative thankfully. Can you give me...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #108 - Proper recovery and sleep by Euro Pharma
I want to try training 7 days a week for 1 hour per session for 1 month and see how I do with this heavy type of volume
my main concern is gonna be recovery I don’t want to be sore the next day and then try to go in there and work out
with supplements can speed up recovery and help you sleep...
I’ve got some issues when it comes to following a sleep at night and waking up and not being able to go back to sleep
problem seems to be getting worse as I get older
should I be taking a supplement before bed or should I pop a supplement whenever I get up to help me go back to sleep any ideas?
so I’m 33 years old and 207 pounds 6’2’’.
I’ve been on deca for the past 3 weeks. Notice my sleeping is insane. I’ll go to sleep around 8 pm and I won’t wake up till 8 or 9 the next morning. It’s actually quite annoying oh how much I’m able to sleep on this stuff.
Do you think this is due to an...
I’m looking to cut to the chase on this. Lately I’ve only been getting 4 or 5 hours of sleep. I wake up at night and have a hard time falling back asleep
is there a supplement that I can start taking that will help me sleep more restfully at night and keep me asleep so I don’t keep waking up
so this is a crazy question and I have checked many posts on here and I can't get a straight answer but I figured I would ask
Getting up to pee at night is ruining my sleep. I basically get up at 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. every night no matter what I do and I go to the bathroom and then I can't go back...
Anyone else ever have problems with sharp pains going down their limbs. it happens in my arms and also in my legs and it usually happens that day after a really hard workout
I went and saw a doctor and they said to just monitor it but they don't think it's anything that's a big deal. is there...
there are a lot of sleep supplements out there and I'm very skeptical about using them
I had a friend that started on them and he got addicted and he could not sleep without them. I don't want to be in the same boat
can you give me a supplement that is not habit forming and not addictive that I...
I have issues falling asleep and i also have issues staying asleep
what can I do to improve my sleep health because it's having an effect on my energy levels the next day.
I've already got rid of my TV out of my room and that isn't helping as much as I was hoping
now I just have to figure out a...
Is there anything i can take at night when i start tossing and turning that won’t effect
The rest of my nights sleep?
I tend to have that happen to me and it sucks
so I tend to have a hard time staying asleep
I tend to nap an hour during the day and then sleep 2 hours before wandering
I have tried melatonin and it makes me sleep walk, I don’t like it at all
can you help me with a supp that works good for me?
what is the deal with sharp focus HAO life
its a modern plant remedy rooted in chinese wisdom. Supposed to help with
aging, memory, awareness and help with stress. It also helps sleep too
I usually go to bed at 1am
I finish work around 9pm and like to workout after
Problem is i am so worked up hard to sleep. What can i take and when to sleep better?
So here is my issue
I don't really have an issue falling asleep but I have an issue staying asleep
I'll get up in the middle of night to pee and I won't be able to go back to sleep
is there something I can take when I get off that can knock me out for the rest of the night
Yes i have another problem with sleep
But my problem is different than other people because I don't have an issue sleeping at night at all I have an issue with oversleeping!
even when I set my alarm my sleep so hard that my alarm doesn't wake me up
is there a supplement that I can take that will...
I would like to get a more restful sleep at night
This is why I am coming on here to ask all of you what are the best supplements I can use to sleep at night. also what time do I need to take them if I want to be in bed by 11 p.m.
how much sleep products can you take in supplement form and how long can you use them before you become dependent on them?
I got a new job which requires me to work nights sometimes. Sometimes I get home at 1 or 2 a.m. and it's hard to fall asleep. any advice?
was wondering what is the benefit of using these oil extracts ?
My gf got me some she got at bed bath and they also sell them at healthfood stores when you check out
they say it is good for sleep, health and other things. Do you use this crap and if so which one should I get?