6’1’’ and 180 pounds.
looking to do a fast stack for 5 weeks.
Get super good muscle hardness and more strength/aggression
what are your opinions on using this sort of cycle for this purpose? I’m 25 years old.. 3 cycles under my belt but don’t want to run anything too long.
My dosing would be...
I’m doing tren, clen and superdrol together.
The results have been amazing but the side effects have been beyond anything that I’ve ever experienced
I feel really lousy on this cycle and I have no energy like I feel like I’m dead
what is a supplement that I can take to help out with the side...
Currently 40 years old. 5’11’’ and 188 pounds. Wanting to gain more strength and do something more aggressive.
Was reading that tren and superdrol were crazy together. What do you think about using them stacked together?
How about doing low dosing. 10Mgs superdrol per day and trenbolone 200mgs a...
everyone in the know at my gym uses napsgear. They are the coolest and baddest source you will find. They products are the best.
I’ve used they tren, test and anadrol. Used them together even. Put on some bigtime mass and strength and blew up a lot of size.
Next cycle I’m gonna hit some...
I made an order with geneza pharma but it was an international order. This time of year i know everything is super slow with the holidays so i wasn’t sure what to expect.
To my surprise it took 2 weeks for me to get my products!
Was able to get test prop, equipoise and superdrol and saved a...
32 years old 5’10” and approximately 200 lbs
I’m looking to put together a strength cycle that would really yield some good results.
The most strength I am looking to do is 315 pounds on my bench. Currently I’m at 265 pounds but I am trying hard to improve it.
The 2 steroids I am curious about...
I’m looking to get some strength progress on this next cycle
this steroid that I’m looking to use is superdrol for the first 4 weeks as a kickstarter. I want to run 20mgs a day
then I want to make sure I am on test/tren 250mgs each for 12 additional weeks.
Do you think I should run the superdrol...
a friend of mine hooked me up with a good deal on halo and supedrol.
Now I want to run both together, 10mgs a day on each for 7 weeks or so.
I know I need liver support so can you give me a supplement that I should take with it.
My friends said I would be crazy not to be using one
a friend of mine hooked me up with some supedrol and said to run it cause its good stuff.
I want to try it out he got really strong on it and I want to do the same.
Should I run 30mgs a day for 4 weeks?
Or would you recommend Running it a different way
I’m 25 years old and I’m 5’7” 148 lbs.
I wanted to do a strength stack and get stronger. I know these guys are a great source that can be trusted. Their products are A+. got on their superdrol 30mgs a day and testosterone 300mgs a week total. Very easy no problems with injecting and my side effects were very manageable. I was able to...
48 years old
180 pounds
getting deep into bodybuilding and weight training after a few months away.
I’m looking to do sort of a recomp/lean bulking cycle
my plan was this:
600mgs a week equipoise
200mgs a week testosterone
and also superdrol as a kickstarter or maybe a finisher. How much...
gonna have to rank Purity Source labs orals as an A+ overall.
I’ve now used:
all were excellent. The superdrol gave me terrific strength that I couldn’t have imagined. The anadrol bulked me up nice. Their anavar and turinabol are great for cutting.
Try out...
48 years old
five foot 11
228 pounds
I’m looking to do some orals with TRT this time
first cycle was oral only
2nd was injectables
now I want to combine them
my plan is this:
sustanon 250mgs a week
tbol 25mgs a day
superdrol 10mgs a day
gonna do the orals 4 weeks then do the sustanon for 10...
Looking to do a more aggressive stack this go around this will be the fourth time I’ve used steroids
my plan is test 250mgs a week, tren 200mgs a week and superdrol at 20mgs a day. Also including n2guard at 4 caps a day
I’m 43 years old, 5’7’’ and 190 pounds.
Want to push to 205 and get stronger...
I’ve heard all kinds of things about using superdrol. Heard you should use it at all as it’s too toxic well if that was the case why is it one of the most popular orals out their? Seems like the people putting it down just want to keep it all to themselves lol
I’m 22 years old I’m looking to use...
one of the best steroid stacks I have done in my life was right here from napsgear.
Decided to try both sustanon and superdrol for the first time.
Dosing was 250mgs of sustanon and then I added some superdrol at 30mgs a day.
Ran it for 6 weeks, then stopped superdrol and kept sustanon but raised...
first couple weeks on trenbolone I was getting no problems with energy
since then I have definitely been having issues
what are some secrets to helping with fatigue besides stopping it or lowering the dose?
I’m doing 200mgs a week with 400mgs of testosterone and 10mgs a day of superdrol
45 years...
I am currently on a steroid cycle that has Tren and Superdrol in it
I know they are both pretty harsh and toxic steroids but I’ve taken every precaution possible
my main complaint is I am sweating way too much and it’s starting to affect my social life
is there a supplement that you recommend to...
I’m looking to run something to help with pure strength
That is all i care about
I'm also not looking to put on a lot of weight in terms of body weight cause i already weigh 270 pounds. I’m 6’3’’ and 20% body fat
which is the best steroid to use if you have to choose between sustanon, superdrol...