looking to pick up some Trenbolone from geneza pharma
I am going to do around 300mg a week. I'm not done Trenbolone in a few years but catching up on the latest strategies to using it
Seems like running cabergoline is smart on it. how much would you run with it and how long should I run the...
Someone said that using sarms with trenbolone was bad, they don’t interact well and they are a bad stack
another guy I read online said the opposite, he said that sarms with trenbolone is good cause it helps with side effects.
Can you tell me what you think? If I run 200mg a week trenbolone...
40 years old, 16% body fat
I had a heart attack four years ago and it took me a couple years to get my energy back but I decided to change my lifestyle and I've been eating very well since and exercising.
Do you think Trenbolone is a safe steroid to use?
I'm worried about any potential issues...
Evolutionary.org Episode 443 Why Trenbolone is so loved and hated. Big guy steroid cycle.
listening to podcast and running Trenbolone I found that it's very difficult to maintain a good relationship on this stuff. It makes you want to stray it makes you want to cheat on your partner
I'm now married and I want to run Trenbolone to get myself to another level. I have not ran it in a...
for whatever reason when I am on cycle the hair on my balls grows thick and fast. I find myself having to shave it
does this happen to anyone else on here and what do you do to combat all the extra hair growth. My gf doesn’t like it hairy, says she choked on the hair
I’m using testosterone and...
someone suggested not to run Trenbolone high for your first time in to stick to only 250 mg or less.
I'm 5ft 9in and I weigh around 170 lb
I trained four to five times a week and I am 38 years old
I have used steroids several times first time with Trenbolone
what do you recommend I use with the...
I was chatting it up with a meathead today at the gym and he was talking about steroids and saying since he started taking them pre workout he has gotten better results
I thought that was strange and never heard of that but I’m willing to listen
he mentioned he takes trenbolone no ester, and...
I am going to try running up my dosages on my next cycle
I feel like I have been spinning my wheels in the gym
my cycle idea;
1200mg a week testosterone
1000mg a week trenbolone
100mg a day winstrol
anyone try this type of cycle and what can I expect in terms of sides?
I just got done doing a testosterone and Trenbolone cycle in my hair got thinned down big time over the course of 8 weeks
I didn't notice it as it was happening but now looking in the mirror in brushing my hair I can tell that I've definitely dropped a bunch of hair. Is there something I can do...
This question is more for my uncle who has been amazed that my progress since I started using steroids
he used them many years ago but he didn't really know what he was doing and I'm trying to help him that's why I'm coming on here
he is 56 years old and he is in pretty good health. Maybe his...
Please give me an honest review of what you think about my cycle
I'm 36 years old and this is the first time I've run Tren with something else
trenbolone acetate 250 mg a week
testosterone cypionate 200mg a week
16 weeks cycle
Current weight around 197 pounds and 5’10’’
Goal is to get to 210+
yes I'm posting another Trenbolone thread. but I have a unique situation
for me I m going to be using it for the third time
oddly enough the first couple times I used it I did not notice much from it
I suspect it might be because I was running too low of a dose
I was only using 100 mg of...
Evolutionary.org episode 437 How to lower SHBG and best Trenbolone esters?
I'm on week five of my Trenbolone cycle
the first 4 weeks I felt great I was getting amazing gains and the pumps in the gym are sick
a week later the side effects are really starting to catch up to me and I'm getting a lot of lethargy during the day
I don't feel like going into the gym but I do...
what has been your experience taking Trenbolone at 50 mg every day with some testosterone
someone said to you 75 mg a day minimum but I want to keep the dosage low
what kind of side effects can I expect if I add on 100 mg a day of propionate testosterone
I like to keep things as simple as...
I used these guys Bionic Labs, they don’t even have a website but I PM’d their rep on meso as a verified source and got a list. I then ordered testosterone, primobolan and trenbolone.
Was supposed to be a good late summer stack. Turns out it was all bunk, bloodwork confirmed
If I plan on using Trenbolone and nandrolone over the next couple years would it be necessary for me to use a anti prolactin drug or not?
Also why does everyone always recommend caber or prami and nobody mentions bromo. I thought bromo also helped with fat loss too so wouldn’t it be superior?
I have slightly above-average range of AST and ALT
ALT is in the 60’s and AST is in the 50’s.
I'm on a small doses of testosterone along with 300 mg a week of Trenbolone
how do I get this number down and what should I take in terms of supplementation