I'm looking to do a very simple cycle and putting it together today
just want some confirmation that you think this is a good one
I'm going to be doing 400 mg a week of testosterone enanthate, 500mgs a week masteron enanthate and 50mgs a day of turinabol tbol
I'm 40 years old and my last cycle...
I am going to be cycling steroids and I just want to do it for 6 weeks
do you think that that is too short to run steroids?
I was thinking of doing 100 mg of testosterone propionate twice a week and I may be adding an oral to it maybe turinabol?
I’m 5’10’’
166 pounds
12% body fat
I scooped up a bunch of tbol turinabol from geneza pharma. Looks Like really professional stuff and I'm excited to try it
what is the average length of cycle to run this in the average milligrams I should be going. I have an idea but wanted to confirm with you guys
Looking to do a simple stack of trenbolone and an oral cycle
My choices are:
Trenbolone acetate vs. Trenbolone enanthate
Turinabol vs. Anavar
please help me pick 1 out of each. My goal is strength and size with lower side effects. Also don’t want to get fake orals which geneza is best?
Evolutionary.org Radio Episode #421 Turinabol only cycles and taking Primobolan with Dianabol.
Haven’t heard anyone talking about how good the turinabol tbol is from geneza. What if i Word to run 30 to 40 mg a day of it solo for 8 weeks do you think I can get good results. Do I need to get blood work before I start the cycle and do I need blood work during the cycle. Just looking for...
I am going to use steroids for the 2nd time. A few years back I used some testosterone and tbol and had good results. This time want to add in a 3rd steroid to this stack. If I run the testosterone at 500mg a week and turinabol at 50mg a day, what other steroid should I run with it? My goals are...
I have used prohormones before but never actual steroids. I want to try and take a testosterone cypionate cycle at 300 mg a week and maybe work my way up to 500 mg a week. what am I supposed to use as a kick start to get things going. My choices are Dianabol dbol, or turinabol tbol. I want to...
I have done some Cycles in the past but didn't really know what I'm doing, now I'm 21 years old and want to take things to the next level. I mostly done test only Cycles in the past. This time I want to run testosterone and add something else to it. Do you think that equipoise EQ along with Tbol...