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5 year break from sarms


Wow sarms have come a long way in 5 years
Back then i was using lgd4033 a lot
Now people are using some things like yk11 and s23. Seems like people are getting more aggressive with their sarms usage
do you recommend i hop on one of those stronger compounds or should I take a more conservative route since I've been off for 5 years
i will never understand how you can ask for a recommendation without giving the slightest inkling of what your goals are???

When you go to a car lot do just go up to a salesperson and say " I WANT A CAR" and not give ANY fkng indication of what you want??

Do you go to a bar and say , "gimme a drink" a fkng of what?? ? unreal

I want a haircut! Hopefully they shave your fkng head if you cant even give an indication how you want your haircut

Do you go to a restaurant and just say "I want food" smfh
if you have been training the past 5 years i don't see why you can't go more aggressive

try s23 if you want . it is a great sarm. umbrella and s4s has them
Wow sarms have come a long way in 5 years
Back then i was using lgd4033 a lot
Now people are using some things like yk11 and s23. Seems like people are getting more aggressive with their sarms usage
do you recommend i hop on one of those stronger compounds or should I take a more conservative route since I've been off for 5 years
s23 forget it after 5 years

use rad140 and cardarine instead its a better pick
coming back rad and gw is good
It really would be helpful to hear some sort of goals or reasons you want to run a cycle, otherwise anything recommended could be the exact opposite of what you are wanting. The OG sarms triple stack of MK2866, S4 and GW501516 is a great starter stack but again, it would be nice to know your goals.
Wow sarms have come a long way in 5 years
Back then i was using lgd4033 a lot
Now people are using some things like yk11 and s23. Seems like people are getting more aggressive with their sarms usage
do you recommend i hop on one of those stronger compounds or should I take a more conservative route since I've been off for 5 years
Conservative. It'll still work
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