2Thick V.I.P. Silver Monday at 2:23 AM #1,821 It's an inspiration seeing your updates My man. so impressive!
Vadim Fedorov V.I.P. Moderator Monday at 2:29 AM #1,822 keep up the good work my friend. you are doing a great job!
wootoom Vet Moderator Moderator Gold Monday at 2:35 AM #1,823 2 straight day sof training and rest day is smart. 2 on 1 off is a good strategy IMO
Masonic Bodybuilder V.I.P. Moderator Tuesday at 12:01 AM #1,826 Phill the beast looking huge as usual!!!
RoySimpson Veteran VIP Moderator Logger Wednesday at 1:53 AM #1,827 Phill said: View attachment 22663 Click to expand... @Phill looking jacked bro!