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Steroids First *REAL* PED Cycle @ 22 (PROBABLY)

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First off I'm sitting at 6'1, ~135 (I know xdxd its bad)

I'd like to think that I'm relatively knowledgeable on steroids as I've been doing research on PEDs on and off for the last few years. I went to run an 8 week cycle back in 2019 of Test E 200mg/week but I ended up going to jail two weeks into it and my PCT got fucked up so it pretty much didn't get me any gains whatsoever, didn't even have the time for the testosterone to accumulate within my blood.

Now trust me I know that people are going to reply to this thread calling me an idiot for wanting to shut down my natural testosterone production system down at its peak. I'm going to PCT good as shit and I'm thinking the impact is going to be minimal in the long run as I'm definitely going to hop on PEDs again.

At my peak during highschool I was maxing my deadlift at 320 while weighing 132..
Max bench wasn't so great and my max squat was maybe 230..
Max bench was probably like 160.

Figured I'd come on this forum and get some information from some true experts..

So essentially, I'm thinking of running a bulk cycle, going to dose 300-400mg of Test E a week, and probably use dbol oral as well.. (Not gonna forget the Novla and the AIs)

Here are some pictures of where I'm at right now, I know I'm small but I've gotta start somewhere...
Also peep my genetics? Personally I think they're good but I'm not sure as I've never had a professional opinion on them. (ya i know my chest inserts suck)

noob - Copy.png
wikxgf - Copy.jpeg
vehmkk - Copy.jpeg

So basically, should I run 300mg Test E a week along with 20mg dbol/day?

If not, why and how should I change my dbol dosage? (I'm probably not going to change the Test dosage period...)

Also I'll be eating (mostly drinking) 3000 calories a day as a goal, probably more if I can manage it with my budget.

The only thing I'm kind of worried about is that both dbol and test aromatize so I don't wanna end up with gyno... but I guess that's what the AI is for.
First off I'm sitting at 6'1, ~135 (I know xdxd its bad)

I'd like to think that I'm relatively knowledgeable on steroids as I've been doing research on PEDs on and off for the last few years. I went to run an 8 week cycle back in 2019 of Test E 200mg/week but I ended up going to jail two weeks into it and my PCT got fucked up so it pretty much didn't get me any gains whatsoever, didn't even have the time for the testosterone to accumulate within my blood.

Now trust me I know that people are going to reply to this thread calling me an idiot for wanting to shut down my natural testosterone production system down at its peak. I'm going to PCT good as shit and I'm thinking the impact is going to be minimal in the long run as I'm definitely going to hop on PEDs again.

At my peak during highschool I was maxing my deadlift at 320 while weighing 132..
Max bench wasn't so great and my max squat was maybe 230..
Max bench was probably like 160.

Figured I'd come on this forum and get some information from some true experts..

So essentially, I'm thinking of running a bulk cycle, going to dose 300-400mg of Test E a week, and probably use dbol oral as well.. (Not gonna forget the Novla and the AIs)

Here are some pictures of where I'm at right now, I know I'm small but I've gotta start somewhere...
Also peep my genetics? Personally I think they're good but I'm not sure as I've never had a professional opinion on them. (ya i know my chest inserts suck)

View attachment 2219View attachment 2221View attachment 2220

So basically, should I run 300mg Test E a week along with 20mg dbol/day?

If not, why and how should I change my dbol dosage? (I'm probably not going to change the Test dosage period...)

Also I'll be eating (mostly drinking) 3000 calories a day as a goal, probably more if I can manage it with my budget.

The only thing I'm kind of worried about is that both dbol and test aromatize so I don't wanna end up with gyno... but I guess that's what the AI is for.
Welcome to Anabolex.

While others will tell you "dont do steroids" thats nonsense response. You already injected testosterone so its a long bygone thought. And you are over 21 which is my requirement.

Is it optimal for you to cycle steroids? NO! for sure not but it's your body your choice. So lets get into it.

Cycle notes
  • 300mgs testosterone enanthate/week (split into 2 injections Mon/fri)
  • 20mgs dianabol/day (split into 2 doses AM/preworkout 10/10)
  • 7 caps n2guard/day (organ liver support required here)
  • Aromasin 5mgs/EOD (every other day) to control estrogen (Ai)
  • If you have the budget, add Ostazol m1mk 3 caps before you train (will increase pumps and energy in the gym, 1 bottle will last 2 months)
PCT, 6 weeks, Nolvadex, Clomid, N2Generate stack them
week 1-2 ED dose
40mgs nolvadex
50mgs clomid
5 caps n2generate

week 3-4
20mgs nolvadex
20mgs clomid
3 caps n2generate

week 5
10mgs nolvadex
no clomid
2 caps n2generate

week 6
2 caps n2generate
a true expert will tell you is not just dumb, but asinine... i cant think of anyone with a fraction of a remaining brain cell that would ever advise you to use steroids...

1. the obvious is you are way too young

2. the next obvious is you are roughly 50 lbs underweight... you will destroy yourself internally putting on too much size too fast... its WAY too much pressure on your joints, ligaments and tendons..

3. you have zero clue what you are doing or getting yourself into... if you paid me, i would only advise you on diet and training, i wouldnt take your money to coach you on steroids... id be having terrible karma for that..
bros not sure you should be doing steroids, consider doign sarms or supplements (or stack them)
will you consider at least a sarms cycle before jumping on steroids or you set already?
a true expert will tell you is not just dumb, but asinine... i cant think of anyone with a fraction of a remaining brain cell that would ever advise you to use steroids...

1. the obvious is you are way too young

2. the next obvious is you are roughly 50 lbs underweight... you will destroy yourself internally putting on too much size too fast... its WAY too much pressure on your joints, ligaments and tendons..

3. you have zero clue what you are doing or getting yourself into... if you paid me, i would only advise you on diet and training, i wouldnt take your money to coach you on steroids... id be having terrible karma for that..
Knowledgeable response, I could definitely see how putting on mass quickly would put strain on my joints, ligaments, and tendons. I've heard that the fast strength gains can also lead to tendon injuries as your tendons don't get affected by anabolics (I'm not too sure how accurate of information this is but I've just considered it the truth since I heard it.) I'll probably do a modified version of starting strength by mark ripptoe on my first cycle. The modified version will hit upper body more often since my recovery rate will be dramatically increased. As for diet I'll be sticking to oats, peanut butter, rice, chicken, a little bit of olive oil, milk, and whey powder to supplement my protein intake to around 1g per pound of body mass. I'm honestly pretty deadset on my decision to do this, I truly appreciate your concern and that you shared your knowledge with me. Thanks man!
Welcome to Anabolex.

While others will tell you "dont do steroids" thats nonsense response. You already injected testosterone so its a long bygone thought. And you are over 21 which is my requirement.

Is it optimal for you to cycle steroids? NO! for sure not but it's your body your choice. So lets get into it.

Cycle notes
  • 300mgs testosterone enanthate/week (split into 2 injections Mon/fri)
  • 20mgs dianabol/day (split into 2 doses AM/preworkout 10/10)
  • 7 caps n2guard/day (organ liver support required here)
  • Aromasin 5mgs/EOD (every other day) to control estrogen (Ai)
  • If you have the budget, add Ostazol m1mk 3 caps before you train (will increase pumps and energy in the gym, 1 bottle will last 2 months)
PCT, 6 weeks, Nolvadex, Clomid, N2Generate stack them
week 1-2 ED dose
40mgs nolvadex
50mgs clomid
5 caps n2generate

week 3-4
20mgs nolvadex
20mgs clomid
3 caps n2generate

week 5
10mgs nolvadex
no clomid
2 caps n2generate

week 6
2 caps n2generate
Sounds like a good stack and PCT, thank you for the information. I'll definitely look into the n2guard as well, but as for my budget I'm afraid I'm pretty broke and simply affording the food and the roids is going to take some grinding.
bros not sure you should be doing steroids, consider doign sarms or supplements (or stack them)
will you consider at least a sarms cycle before jumping on steroids or you set already?
I'd totally do a SARM cycle if I had the cash for it, as it is right now a cycle of steroids is a much more cost effective choice for me. I'm not too worried about suppressing my testosterone production, I'd assume it won't go back to 100% but that's fine. I'm pretty much set on my decision. I appreciate the input though man.
300mgs of testosterone, 20mgs dbol is pretty conservative
I see crazy young guys hitting 500mgs of tren 1st time so you're not that bad imo
I'm not going to judge, thats your choice to use or not.

I would start slow low dose test/dbol and MAKE SURE to PCT right
Yeah, the PCT is a must to keep my gains and bounce back to nearly baseline - I'm gonna go hard with it. I heard of this injectable that I forget the name of but it's measured in ius, heard it's great for PCT. Would anyone here happen to know what I'm talking about with such a vague description?
Whatever you decide is your choice you're an adult seems.

My suggestion is 1 sarms stack before you jump into steroids.

25mgs testolone/day
50mgs ostarine/day
20mgs cardarine/day
7 caps n2guard/day
personally i think you have the perfect base to work with and you have a ton of room to grow. i would view your situation optimistically

getting on a good training and workout program and using ONLY sarms would be the smart choice. no need for steroids right now they will only set you back
I ran my first cycle early too but didnt like it and stayed natural for 5 years after.

You are certain you want steroids not sarms?
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personally i think you have the perfect base to work with and you have a ton of room to grow. i would view your situation optimistically

getting on a good training and workout program and using ONLY sarms would be the smart choice. no need for steroids right now they will only set you back
Whatever you decide is your choice you're an adult seems.

My suggestion is 1 sarms stack before you jump into steroids.

25mgs testolone/day
50mgs ostarine/day
20mgs cardarine/day
7 caps n2guard/day
Sounds awesome, but when I checked the price it's like way out of my price range.

I could probably run a full 8 week stack including PCT for 140, but that SARMs stack is mad expensive.

I ran my first cycle early too but didnt like it and stayed natural for 5 years after.

You are certain you want steroids not sarms?
Yeah I think so, the first time I was pinning I felt great for the short period of time that I was on PEDs. Not to mention I'm broke.
Just remember that even the best PCT cannot magically "restart your HPTA". A PCT will help you feel better and have a softer landing but your body is what has to recover natural testosterone levels on its own.
a true expert will tell you is not just dumb, but asinine... i cant think of anyone with a fraction of a remaining brain cell that would ever advise you to use steroids...

1. the obvious is you are way too young

2. the next obvious is you are roughly 50 lbs underweight... you will destroy yourself internally putting on too much size too fast... its WAY too much pressure on your joints, ligaments and tendons..

3. you have zero clue what you are doing or getting yourself into... if you paid me, i would only advise you on diet and training, i wouldnt take your money to coach you on steroids... id be having terrible karma for that..
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