I'm going to.
And probably going to go see a different Dr. There's several things from that visit that aren't sitting well with me..
1. I told him I had the MRI with me from the original injury for comparison (
he didn't look at, even after saying "those 2 pcs of loose bone aren't supposed to be there but there's no way to know if they are from this injury or the old one without doing an mri".... ummm or we could just compare this new xray to the old mri
2. I told him I was a truck driver and have to throw straps over my trailer all day and I can deal with the pain but was concerned whether or not I would be doing further damage and he told me with confidence that I wouldn't do further damage and more I can't even lift the arm because the last time I threw a damn strap I heard one long crunch and now have pain where there was none before.
So a new Dr is still not going to be able to do a whole lot without an mri but hopefully I'll at least be dealing with someone competent.