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Approved Log My cycle prep Log - bulking plan


Hi I’m Kerem Currently 28 years old 6’1 and 197 pounds. I have been training for 4 years, currently I am training 5-6 days a week for 90 min. I am currently cutting weight to prepare for this cycle my diet so far is very monotone in the sense that I eat the same thing everyday which includes 2 sams club chocolate protein shakes (160cal 30p)
100g chicken breast
8 oz chicken tenderloin
150 cal rice krispy or Thomas cinnamon raisen crumpet
One serving of salt and vinegar lays chips
8oz egg whites
I do not cook with any oil or fats

Current supplements include
Nature made multi vitamin with iron
Naturmade calcium w D3
Tadalafil 25mg
Dark labs crack PREWORKOUT.

I currently walk for 30-45 min a day
Along with mowing my lawn for 1.5-2 hours once a week
Once July comes around an outdoor pool will be at my disposal to 3-5 hours of butterfly everyday
This is will be my first cycle and I am open to suggestions my goals for this 20 week cycle include putting on as much mass as possible and I’ll be following Dylan gemellis pct
I am currently not comfortable posting pics but will in the future
Hi I’m Kerem Currently 28 years old 6’1 and 197 pounds. I have been training for 4 years, currently I am training 5-6 days a week for 90 min. I am currently cutting weight to prepare for this cycle my diet so far is very monotone in the sense that I eat the same thing everyday which includes 2 sams club chocolate protein shakes (160cal 30p)
100g chicken breast
8 oz chicken tenderloin
150 cal rice krispy or Thomas cinnamon raisen crumpet
One serving of salt and vinegar lays chips
8oz egg whites
I do not cook with any oil or fats

Current supplements include
Nature made multi vitamin with iron
Naturmade calcium w D3
Tadalafil 25mg
Dark labs crack PREWORKOUT.

I currently walk for 30-45 min a day
Along with mowing my lawn for 1.5-2 hours once a week
Once July comes around an outdoor pool will be at my disposal to 3-5 hours of butterfly everyday
This is will be my first cycle and I am open to suggestions my goals for this 20 week cycle include putting on as much mass as possible and I’ll be following Dylan gemellis pct
I am currently not comfortable posting pics but will in the future
@Monogordo5 good to see this log from you.

Your diet you are saying never changes?

on the food, drop rice krispy and chips and add more protein and omega 3 fats like walnuts and fish oil
you fiber intake needs to go up

on training, it would be good if you share the actual exercises weights and reps and sets so we can see it in your prep log
If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.

it would be good if you share your pics face blurred, so anon
pics of your meals share them
pics of training share
and pics of cardio

supps you not taking organ liver support like n2guard?

please share more updates on this log so we can properly plan with you
@Monogordo5 good to see this log from you.

Your diet you are saying never changes?

on the food, drop rice krispy and chips and add more protein and omega 3 fats like walnuts and fish oil
you fiber intake needs to go up

on training, it would be good if you share the actual exercises weights and reps and sets so we can see it in your prep log
If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.

it would be good if you share your pics face blurred, so anon
pics of your meals share them
pics of training share
and pics of cardio

supps you not taking organ liver support like n2guard?

please share more updates on this log so we can properly plan with you
Yea my diet never changes since I buy my food in bulk from sams club. How much protein would you recommend adding to my diet im getting around 140g per day. Should I take a fiber and omega 3 supplement? I currently am not taking any organ supplements since i don’t drink. I can share my meals throughout the day and will post my training today when I do it in around 8 hours
All I did today is below including diet and cardio along with workout

Shoulder and legs


1 set seated shoulder press 90 pounds 12 reps

2nd set 140 for 4 then drop set to 110 for 4

3rd 90 for 8.5 reps

Standing last raise machine 1st set 60 pounds pounds 15 reps (focus on slight leaninto machine to keep tension on should )

2nd set 60 pounds 15 reps

3rd set 70 pounds 10 reps

Rear delt flies 70 pounds 15 reps each arm

2nd set 80 pounds 15 reps each arm


Hamstring curls 80 pounds 15 reps first set (focusing on slow contraction and static hold at bottom )

2nd 80 pounds slow and controlled 15 reps no static

Hacksquat 140 pounds 15 reps medium tempo

Hacksquat 200 pounds 8 reps 2 assisted

Leg extensions first set 110 pounds 16 reps and 12.3 second static hold

2nd set 160 pounds 10 reps and 1 9 second static hold


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All I did today is below including diet and cardio along with workout

Shoulder and legs


1 set seated shoulder press 90 pounds 12 reps

2nd set 140 for 4 then drop set to 110 for 4

3rd 90 for 8.5 reps

Standing last raise machine 1st set 60 pounds pounds 15 reps (focus on slight leaninto machine to keep tension on should )

2nd set 60 pounds 15 reps

3rd set 70 pounds 10 reps

Rear delt flies 70 pounds 15 reps each arm

2nd set 80 pounds 15 reps each arm


Hamstring curls 80 pounds 15 reps first set (focusing on slow contraction and static hold at bottom )

2nd 80 pounds slow and controlled 15 reps no static

Hacksquat 140 pounds 15 reps medium tempo

Hacksquat 200 pounds 8 reps 2 assisted

Leg extensions first set 110 pounds 16 reps and 12.3 second static hold

2nd set 160 pounds 10 reps and 1 9 second static hold
Had 2 protein shakes 160 cal(30g)
100g chicken breast and about a cup or 2 of mixed greens(30gg p)
2 16oz of egg whites (200 per container 50g p)
Along with nature made multi vitamin w iron
And calcium vitamin d 600mg
Yea my diet never changes since I buy my food in bulk from sams club. How much protein would you recommend adding to my diet im getting around 140g per day. Should I take a fiber and omega 3 supplement? I currently am not taking any organ supplements since i don’t drink. I can share my meals throughout the day and will post my training today when I do it in around 8 hours
@Monogordo5 good share, I would get protein to 200grams if you planning to cycle minimum
you need extra psyllium husk for sure
and you need organ liver support for cycle
get n2guard we support it and use it on steroid cycle

All I did today is below including diet and cardio along with workout

Shoulder and legs


1 set seated shoulder press 90 pounds 12 reps

2nd set 140 for 4 then drop set to 110 for 4

3rd 90 for 8.5 reps

Standing last raise machine 1st set 60 pounds pounds 15 reps (focus on slight leaninto machine to keep tension on should )

2nd set 60 pounds 15 reps

3rd set 70 pounds 10 reps

Rear delt flies 70 pounds 15 reps each arm

2nd set 80 pounds 15 reps each arm


Hamstring curls 80 pounds 15 reps first set (focusing on slow contraction and static hold at bottom )

2nd 80 pounds slow and controlled 15 reps no static

Hacksquat 140 pounds 15 reps medium tempo

Hacksquat 200 pounds 8 reps 2 assisted

Leg extensions first set 110 pounds 16 reps and 12.3 second static hold

2nd set 160 pounds 10 reps and 1 9 second static hold
training is good but how about cardio?
and this is just one day lets keep updating
Had 2 protein shakes 160 cal(30g)
100g chicken breast and about a cup or 2 of mixed greens(30gg p)
2 16oz of egg whites (200 per container 50g p)
Along with nature made multi vitamin w iron
And calcium vitamin d 600mg
thats a good start
but i see you have low omega 3 fats very low
add omega 3 walnuts/fish oil/krill oil
@Monogordo5 good share, I would get protein to 200grams if you planning to cycle minimum
you need extra psyllium husk for sure
and you need organ liver support for cycle
get n2guard we support it and use it on steroid cycle

training is good but how about cardio?
and this is just one day lets keep updating

thats a good start
but i see you have low omega 3 fats very low
add omega 3 walnuts/fish oil/krill oil
Ok thanks, will an ounce or 2 of walnuts along with a 1200mg fish oil supplement be enough along with 25g of fiber Be enough to supplement areas where I’m lacking ?
Also for my bulking cycle my main goal is to put on as much mass as possible. I was planning on a 16 week test c (350mg per week) and 300mg(deca) should I consider adding a dht like primo or proviron? And would it be overkill to add parabolan? Looking forward to suggestions and advice
Swap these for better options:

2 sams club chocolate protein shakes (160cal 30p)
100g chicken breast
8 oz chicken tenderloin
150 cal rice krispy or Thomas cinnamon raisen crumpet
One serving of salt and vinegar lays chips
Do you have any suggestions or categories I should aim for when making swaps to the ones in bold
Do you have any suggestions or categories I should aim for when making swaps to the ones in bold
fruits, raw nuts, veggies.

need to start eating clean. check out the other logs here and on evo and see how we eat. no processed foods, real food is important. also places like sam's club, costco, walmart, most supermarkets you won't find healthy food. need to start shopping at better places like whole foods etc that cater to healthy eaters. a lot of supermarkets don't even sell produce or the ones they do have all smothered in pesticides
fruits, raw nuts, veggies.

need to start eating clean. check out the other logs here and on evo and see how we eat. no processed foods, real food is important. also places like sam's club, costco, walmart, most supermarkets you won't find healthy food. need to start shopping at better places like whole foods etc that cater to healthy eaters. a lot of supermarkets don't even sell produce or the ones they do have all smothered in pesticides
Ok sounds good, I’ll go shopping this weekend
I agree go with real eggs over egg whites
and instead of protein shakes have some more beef or chicken
invest in a rice cooker and a air fryer
you can cook pretty much everything in both
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