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Approved Log My Test/Deca/Dbol cycle

I want to run this cycle straight into another cycle.
I want ro come off the Dianabol in a few weeks, and then come off the deca. I want to run straight test for a period which the deca is safely enough gone that I can begin Test/Tren/Mast blend.
I would like to know if this should be ok...or if I should just finish out my test and deca cycle....go on cruise, and then blast again with the blend I have.
I want to run this cycle straight into another cycle.
I want ro come off the Dianabol in a few weeks, and then come off the deca. I want to run straight test for a period which the deca is safely enough gone that I can begin Test/Tren/Mast blend.
I would like to know if this should be ok...or if I should just finish out my test and deca cycle....go on cruise, and then blast again with the blend I have.
i would come off at least for 4 weeks and cycle TRT dose of test like 150mgs/week and then hit a 2nd cycle

why not? it will work and it worked for me
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