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new boy wants sarms 9 weeks


looking to do sarms for 9 weeks
I’m 22 and built nice, solid frame and 6’1’’ 180 pounds.
Looking to run some sarms.
My stack is gonna look like this:
9 weeks lgd4033 25mgs a day
4.5 weeks rad140 20mgs a day
would this work for bulking? I want to gain about 20 pounds or so
looking to do sarms for 9 weeks
I’m 22 and built nice, solid frame and 6’1’’ 180 pounds.
Looking to run some sarms.
My stack is gonna look like this:
9 weeks lgd4033 25mgs a day
4.5 weeks rad140 20mgs a day
would this work for bulking? I want to gain about 20 pounds or so
stay that to 8 weeks
cut lgd to 5mgs
rad is fine at 10mgs
add n2guard 7caps
you need n2guard with sarms regardless
use sarms 8-12 weeks its not complicated
you should run sarms the right way, its not about over doing it
n2guard is a must on sarms
You need to rethink your expectations man. You are not going to gain 20lbs of muscle on a SARMs stack in 9 weeks. If you gain 20lbs total, it is going to be from a dirty bulking diet.
There is so much wrong here

the first being that you are just not being realistic in any way.. a gain of 20 lbs. even with steroids, is NOT realistic.. you could put on a bunch of water and maybe get that kind of weight but you would never keep it and would only cause yourself issues... so being realistic is the first part you need to address.. beyond that, the dosing and length makes zero sense.. where are you coming up with these kind of numbers? I hope it is something you are just created on your own and not something you were actually advised to do
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