4th cycle looks fun.
refresh us on your full stats when you get a chance.
45 years old, 5'-11", 215.4#, bf probably about 18% give or take a point.
I typically fast and eat in a 6-7 hour window. I strength train in the am fasted. Swim 2-3 times a week followed by a steam sauna 10-15 minutes in pm after light meal.
Everyday starts with 3 sets x 15 reps of reverse hypers and band pull aparts, overhead and across chest.
- Monday, overhead press, followed by 2-3 shoulder exercises 10-15 reps, dumbells and cables
- Tuesday, squats and more squats, maybe some face pulls or trap blasting. Traps are the new abs, get some!
- Wednesday, bis and tris, dumbells and cables, usually super sets of 3 exercises 10-15 reps each
- Thursday, deadlift and back assistance exercises, dumbells and cables, again 2-3 exercises, 10-15 reps
- Friday, bench, chest assistance cables and dumbells. 2-3 sets, 10-15 reps
I rest Saturday and Sunday. I'm a tired beat up meathead who used to powerlift and am tired of being injured. Lifting heavy serves me no purpose anymore. These days I just want to maintain reasonably functional strength, balaced muscular build and look good naked.
I train in my garage with a rack/cage and upper and lower pully and some dumbells.
- Plenty of water, approx gallon per day
- 5mg liquid fish oil
- 1tsp psyllium husk
- 1 packet electrolytes
- 300mg Magnesium Taurate, glycinate and malate blend, (DeFranco's Muscle-MAG 300)
- 7 caps N2G
I also take prescribed Diclofenac and a blood pressure med. Blood pressure is way down from where it used to be.
I do eat some precessed food like pasta, tortillas, breakfast meats and shredded cheeses and sometimes make a smoothie with some protein powder. I have no intention of removing these items but they are eaten less than they used to be. For the most part, 90% of my food is perishable. I stay away from fast food and those of you who know me from before will be glad to know Coca-Cola is a drink of the past. My wife loves to bake though so there are almost always baked goods around.
I dont drink alcohol, use canaboids or any recreational drugs. I dont count macros, I don't intend to. I eat well balaced mostly nutrient dense foods.