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why do I get tired using Winstrol?

your liver is taxed from the toxicity with winstrol.. this is why i eventually stopped using it.. even with a lot of added protection, its extremely toxic and it causes lethargy, which is what you are experiencing.. this is your liver telling you to stop using it because it is only going to get worse... the strain on your liver and kidneys will cause the frequent urination... this again is why i stopped using orals entirely... even anavar can cause this type of side effect.. your body is trying to tell you something... all the protection in the world will eventually give in to oral steroid use
Well said Dylan I couldn't agree more! I have personally experienced this and realized it after years of experimentation.
Well said Dylan I couldn't agree more! I have personally experienced this and realized it after years of experimentation.
yeah it sucks but its part of orals in general.. you cannot deny the results but i know for me personally, its just not worth the side effects whatsoever especially as I have gotten older lol
42/M/174lbs/6’ tall
So I recently added winstrol to my current steroid cycle.
I was using 300mgs test and primo, keeping the dosages 1:1 ratio as recommended.
Was doing pretty good but then added in Winstrol at 50mgs a day and now I am struggling with energy. Feel very tired and fatigued all day. I’m also urinating a lot more than usual. Any tips and ideas what is going on?
this isnt something new, winny sucks you dry
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