SYN Pharma Rep - Canadian Source Introduction
Hello, everyone. I'd like to introduce myself as a rep for SYN Pharma. As many of you may already know, we are the approved and go to Canadian Domestic source on Evolutionary. Just to clarify, we only provide our services to those located in Canada. We do not ship internationally. We were given the opportunity to also provide our services to the fine members of Anabolex

For those of you that are not familiar with us, SYN Pharma is currently recognized as Canada’s most reputable and prestigious brand for Anabolic Steroids, Sarms, and all ancillary products that are used with performance enhancers. A plethora of positive reviews about SYN Pharmaceuticals is rampant on Canada’s most long-lasting review board CanadianJuiceMonsters, dating from as early as 2016.
About SYN Pharma
Syn Pharma’s oral preparations ( pressed tablets) are mixed using pharmaceutical blenders to ensure product accuracy. For our injectable preparations, we always employ double filtration under the most sterile environments. The oil carrier in our injectable products is pre-filtered grape seed oil. We avoid synthetic and cheap carrier oils which can be toxic to the body.
Our manufacturing facility replicates the exact same quality control measures employed in GMP laboratories to ensure consistently dosed and sterile products. Our Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients: solvents, binders, and carrier oils are all sourced from the most reputable vendors and subject to random third-party testing to ensure that when you shop with SYN Pharma you are receiving exactly what you pay for. SYN Pharma is completely committed to providing the best products possible and will continue to relentlessly provide Canadians with the best quality customer service and products.
Order Conditions
1. If you are currently working with a SYN rep , then I cannot provide my services to you. SYN representatives do not compete with one another for clients, so I politely request that if you already have a SYN rep, you continue working with that rep. Attempting to jump from one rep to another is pointless, as we (SYN reps) all offer the same prices.
I'd like to reiterate that in the event that someone is discovered to be jumping around from rep to rep, their access to SYN will be revoked completely.
2. If you are located in the Ottawa/Gatineau/Kingston region - then I cannot provide my services to you. That particular region is already spoken for by a particular SYN Pharma rep.
Contact and Produce List
If you do not currently have an existing SYN rep and you are not located in Ottawa/Gatineau/Kingston region - please email me below to obtain access to our private and secure website for SYN Pharma and Canadian Pharmacy Grade Products:
Contact: [email protected]
Syn Pharma Injectables (10ml per vial)
Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml
Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/ml
Testosterone Propionate 100mg/ml
Sustanon 250mg/ml
Testosterone Undecanoate 200mg/ml
Testosterone 400 400mg/ml (Contains: 200mg Test Enanthate 200mg, 200mg Test Undecanoate)
Trenbolone Acetate 100mg/ml
Trenbolone Enanthate 200mg/ml
Masteron Propionate, 150mg/ml
Masteron Enanthate 200mg/ml
Nandrolone PhenylPropionate (NPP) 150mg/ml
Deca Durabolin, 250mg/ml
Equipoise Undecylenate (Boldenone) 300mg/ml
Primobolan Enanthate 100mg/ml
Syn Pharma Injectable Blends (10ml per vial)
Sustaplex Blend 325mg (Contains: 65mg Test Prop, 65mg Test Phenylprop, 90mg Test Isocaproate, 105mg Test Decanoate)
Drostanoplex Blend 150mg (Contains: 50mg Tren ace, 50mg Mast Prop, 50mg Test Prop)
TNT Blend 400mg (Contains: 150mg Tren Enanthate, 250mg Test Enanthate)
Durastanon Blend 300mg (Contains: 100mg NPP, 50mg Test Phenylpropionate, 50mg Test Isocaproate, 90mg Test Undecanoate )
Syn Pharma Oral Steroids (50,60 & 100 count)
Anavar 10mg 100 tablets
Anavar 5mg 60 tablets
Winstrol 25mg 100 tablets
Winstrol 10mg 100 tablets
Dianabol 10mg 100 tablets
Turinabol 20mg 50 tablets
Anadrol 25mg 100 tablets
Proviron 25mg 50 tablets
Primobolan Acetate 10mg 100 tablets
Halotestin 10mg 50 tablets
Syn Pharma SARMS (50, 60 & 80 count)
MK-677 15mg 50 tablets
GW501516 (Cardarine) 10mg 80 tablets
MK 2866 (Ostarine) 10mg 80 tablets
RAD 140 (Testolone) 10mg 60 tablet
LGD-4033 5mg 60 tablets
S9009 (Stenabolic) 10mg 60 tablets
SYN Post Cycle and on Cycle Support (80, 50, 40, 30 & 20 count)
SYN Clomid 50mg 50 tablets
SYN Nolvadex 20mg 50 tablets
SYN Arimidex 1mg 30 tablets
SYN Aromasin 12.5mg 80 tablets
SYN Femara (Letrozole) 1.25mg 50 tablets
SYN Pramipexole 0.25mg 40 tablets
SYN Cabergoline 0.5mg 20 tablets
SYN Sexual Assistance (60, 50, 40 & 30 count)
SYN Cialis 5mg 60 tablets
SYN Cialis 20mg 40 tablets
SYN Viagra 50mg 50 tablets
SYN OverDrive 40mg (Blend of: 20mg Viagra, 12.5mg Cialis, 7.5mg Levitra), 30 tablets
SYN Fat burners (100 & 50 count)
SYN Clenbuterol 50mcg 100 tablets
SYN T3/Cytomel 25mg 100 tablets
SYN Torch (Blend of: 40mg caffeine + 25mg green tea + 9mg vinpocetine + 3mg yohimbe + 3mg albuterol) 50 tablets
SYN Acne, Hairloss & HCG
SYN Accutane (Acne) 10mg 80 tablets
SYN Finasteride (Hairloss) 12.5mg 60 tablets
SYN RU-Topical 50 RU-58841 (Hairloss) (topical application) 30ml x 50mg
SYN HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin 5,000iu
Contact: [email protected]