Great work out today. Back feeling great as well. Couldn’t quantify food today as I took the wife to Mexican for dinner so I know I’m way off on my protein for the day but you gotta splurge from time to time right.
Sleep 2200-0600 10 hours
Weight 219
Exercise- Pull+Core LA Fit
LFFW= Life Fitness free weight (plate loaded)
HSFW= Hammer Strength free weight (plate loaded)
Matrix= Matrix banded
Weight train 30 sets 1hr18m avg hr 124 cals 824
Pull-up BWx4x3
LFFW high row 156x12x3
LFFW ISO standing row 264x12x3
LFFW ISO seated row 264x12x3
dead hang BWx45sx3
Facepull 55x12x3
Cable single arm pullover 20x15x3
Matrix Preacher Curl 50x20,15,15
rev pec deck 100x12x3
Incline Sit-ups BWx15x3
Sauna 25m avg hr 161 416 cal
Totals: 1h 43m 1240cals