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test cyp, test E, test prop, sustanon? So confused


there are so many different testosterone options I’ve been browsing through the approved sources on here and the choices are endless.
You’ve got test propionate, test enanthate, test cypionate, test blends, sustanon, etc etc.
how do you make a decision on what you should use if it’s your first time using steroids?
I’m 25 years old and I think I’m ready I’m 202 pounds and six foot one inches.
up there are so many different testosterone options I’ve been browsing through the approved sources on here and the choices are endless.
You’ve got test propionate, test enanthate, test cypionate, test blends, sustanon, etc etc.
how do you make a decision on what you should use if it’s your first time using steroids?
I’m 25 years old and I think I’m ready I’m 202 pounds and six foot one inches.
up there are so many different testosterone options I’ve been browsing through the approved sources on here and the choices are endless.
You’ve got test propionate, test enanthate, test cypionate, test blends, sustanon, etc etc.
how do you make a decision on what you should use if it’s your first time using steroids?
I’m 25 years old and I think I’m ready I’m 202 pounds and six foot one inches.
i would always go 1 test ester no blends
so test cyp is better
ugfreak it has all of that and more that's why they're the #1 source
Test is test man so don't over-complicate things. It will just confuse you, lol. I would go with Test E or C. They are basically the exact same thing and you can pin them 1-2x per week.
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