Is it possible to boost my anger with sarms
I work out with a group at the gym and they get angry when they lift and it helps them lift more
I'm too soft-spoken they say.
Will sarms help get me more mad?
24 years old and 150 pounds
I’m currently 41 years old
5’6’’ and 173 pounds. Body fat is like 13% or so
I want to get leaner and meaner. But I have taken a couple years mostly off
from the gym. This is my comeback
what should I stack as my comeback cycle?
What is a good sarms stack for Just a normal guy who wants to get results in the gym
I attend the gym between 2 and 4 times a week. I'm in no way a pro or anything close to some of the top guys I see at the gym
I’m 26 years old 5’8’’ 170 pounds
I love geneza products
they are now my official go to place and I have been recommending them to
everyone at my gym
not only are the products top of the line but their service is also excellent
I am currently up 10 pounds on my current cycle so feel blessed
it's been quite a long time since I last use steroids
12 years in all
during that time I have trained off and on.
no membership just a basement gym at home
what kind of cycle do you recommend i hop on ?
I’m 5’6’’ 165 pounds and 12% body fat
I have access to any steroids out there
my gym just announced that they are closing in the next 2 months
the next nearest decent gym is about 40 minutes away
I just don't have time to do all that driving and then pick the kids up from daycare
I would like to get a set up at home do you think I can do that for under $1,000 or is that...
is there a different strategy to working out when you are trying to achieve lean muscle mass versus trying to achieve more of a bulking look? I notice in the gym strength trainers they tend to take a lot of time in between sets and guys like me do their workouts lot quicker
Looking to impress the guys in the gym and get stronger
several of us have been competing against each other. Just friendly competition but I want to knock their socks off by getting stronger really quick with steroids
which steroid stack would you recommend for strength?
Right now I am 5’10’’...
I have been training off and on for 8 years and I was wondering what is the best gym to workout at and what should I look for when looking for a gym.
I'm going to start using steroids soon and I'm looking for a gym that can take me to new heights. I'm currently going to a planet fitness type of... 475 Home Gym ideas, stacking HGH, and playing in a hobby sports league.
I'm not a pro at all like most of you on here but I figured I would take a shot and ask. I am a normal amateur guy who trains 3x per week
what kind of training routine would you recommend that I do to improve
Right now I just walk into the gym and pick someone and follow them around and do their...
Compare a 25 year old cycle to a 45 year old cycle
what would be the difference in what steroids you use and how much steroids you used
Also can you comment on what age do you think you really piqued when it came to your steroid usage and your gym performance.
What do you think are the differences between bodybuilders and just regular guys who you see at the gym grinding away when it comes to what supplements they use
my friend said that bodybuilders just use steroids they don't even use supplements. What do you think about that
was talking to someone the other day at the gym who has really gotten huge the past couple months. I asked him what he change in his diet and he said that to get big you got to eat big.
can anyone explain what he meant by that and do you follow that same strategy because I noticed a lot of you...
I just started working out at a new gym and they don't have a lot of free weight exercises available. It's mostly machines but they do have some free weights like dumbbells, and bars. Do you think it's possible to work out in this order gym and what kind of workout protocol would you recommend I...
my grandfather wants to run something to help him and he is almost 70 years old
do you think that he is too old for sarms or are there sarms that he can use safely?
He is about 5’10’’ and weighs around 152 pounds. He works at in his community gym and does a lot of activities still
I just sign up to a gym which has a lot of different things not just weights and machines
what are some other things that you guys do at your gyms to get in a good workout? I just want to look good I don't care about ego or being strong or any that nonsense.
I'm even willing to take some classes... 465 gym misconceptions and advice for steroid users in their 20's.
What is the best type of creatine to use if you had to choose between using powders, powders with added things like amino acids etc, or just getting them in tablet form and taking them that way?
I'm someone who wants an edge in the gym
why are there two different sarms that are called MK?
and are they the same type of thing or do they do completely different things?
I bought mk677 but now i’m hearing that its the wrong one and I shouldn't be buying that one because it's dangerous to use. That is what my friend at the gym said...