ever since I got into my mid-40s my body seems to be falling apart at a rapid clip.
I’m getting a lot of different side effects of over training which I don’t understand except that its related to my age.
Long story short help me with a sarms stack that will boost recovery.
I’m 6’2’’ 217 pounds...
excited to try sarms as a 44 year old who is 260 pounds and overweight.
I started training five times a week at the gym and I’m doing cardio pretty much every day
my goal is to cut down
looking to try out lgd for the first time with other sarms in this stack
how would you run my first sarm cycle...
I’m looking to do some long distance running and I need your help on the best sarms I should be using.
I know that everyone says there are 4 sarms to use:
nutrobal mk677
ostarine mk2866
gw cardarine
which one of those would be the best option for me?
I’m 27 years old and a year from now I...
warrior labs sarms deserves a nice slamming right now and I’m gonna do it
ordered $900 worth of peptides and sarms from them. This was on April 25th. Its been 3 months and still waiting. They keep saying they will send it. The first thing they said is it was out of stock and to wait a couple...
my diet aint’ that good
For breakfast I usually eat Lucky Charms or Frosted Flakes.
Then for lunch its usually a hot dog from home depot that they have outside.
Dinner I just eat what my wife cooks, and she sucks at cooking.
Wondering which sarms would work good for this type of diet.
I’m 5’8’’...
looking to do something a little different on my next sarm cycle
this will be the third time I’m using them
I’m 175 pounds and six foot one I’ve always had an issue with putting on muscle as I am a hard Gainer.
The last couple of sarm Cycles I put on two and three pounds this time I’m looking to...
I’m hoping you can give me some tips when it comes to buying garbage sarms.
Right now I’m doing warrior labs sarms and obviously its bad sarms.
I want to come off of it ASAP but I also want my money back lol. Anyone else use them and have similar disappointment ?
Do not use these guys, they are...
please help with this sarms cycle I am putting together.
I want to recomp and improve my physique
the stack I’m looking to do is:
s4/andarine 50mgs a day
lgd4033 10mgs a day
sr9009 5mgs 3x per day.
My stats are 5’7’’ 195 and about 20% body fat. I have room to improve
5’10’’ 177 pounds and 24 years old.
I’m looking to get more endurance when it comes to sarms and I really need your advice on which sarms stack would work better for this.
Should I go with gw501516 and ostarine?
Or should I go with sr9009 and nutrobal?
I read both are good for endurance, my...
so I had a friend of mine also try out sarms from warrior labs. We each tried it for 4 weeks. The gw501516 did NOTHING for our endurance. In fact when I was using it I was breaking out in sweats and I was getting fevers.
This tells me right off the bat that it’s something else maybe DNP or clen...
my next cycle I want to bulk on
I’m 205 pounds and very tall six foot eight and 24 years old.
very lean for my height which is good but also it’s bad because I have a very fragile and weak frame
looking to bulk up with some moderate muscle mass
wanted to put together a sarms stack of:
s23 25mgs...
5’8’’ 57 years old. And 210 pounds.
Looking for the best results
I’m gonna be using ghrp-6 for the first time
my plan is 100mcg 2x per day. Its a low dose but I want to start slow
Is there a particular time of the day when I should be injecting this stuff for best results and what should I stack...
I’m a sarms skeptic but I am open to trying them out to see if they actually work. A friend told me that sarms were for skinny wimps, he is one of those big meathead types if you know what I mean.
My stats are modest. I’m 5’8’’ and 215 pounds. My body fat is around 25%.
I’m looking to use sarms...
I’m a hard Gainer I’ve been stuck under 150 pounds my whole life and now I’m 22 years old
I’ve tried eating more I’ve tried to even eating a whole pizza daily and I still can’t gain
would like to put on some quality muscle mass
what do you think about using rad140 and maybe s4/andarine? Are...
I’m doing 12 weeks cycles of steroids using Deca and equipoise with testosterone. I’m going to be taking about 15 weeks in between the cycles and cruising and I would like to use sarms during that cruise where I will be doing 150 milligrams of testosterone only.
What are the best sarms that you...
Just wanted to let you guys know about my experience with chemyo.com sarms. Used their gw501516 and the products were no good.
It when I would take them my heart rate would start speeding up and I would start sweating like crazy especially if I ate any carbs.
Seems very suspicious to me that...
sarms from peakbody are very poor. I’ve tried several of their sarms.
Lgd, rad, and gw501516. All were underdosed. I know what good sarms are and have been using them for 12 years since they started being sold out there.
When I posted this review on another forum they banned me for speaking the...
I know that yk11 and rad140 are considered the 2 best bulkers you will find. But I’m not gonna run either because I have tried them both and want to experiment with other sarms this time. Maybe lgd4033 and s23?
I would like to know when it comes to sarms which one would you recommend?
Not looking to use sarms necessarily to build muscle or anything like that but I would like to use them for recovering Better Health
doing some research came across ostarine mk2866. Seems like an awesome option for me
I’m 50 years old and I’m about 220 pounds
with 25 milligrams a day for 12...
I am going to the gym every day in doing cardio and weight training
recovery has become an issue especially as I’m getting older
now in my mid-40s and things aren’t getting any easier when it comes to this sort of thing.
Hoping you can give me some tips when it comes to using nutrobal and...