I’m 23 years old and I’m looking to use s23. Obviously the name of the sarm means that it’s best to be used at my age at least that’s what I was seeing on youtube from the sarms expert’s channel.
My plan is to do it for 18 weeks and do 20mgs a day. It was also recommended I stack some yk11 with...
I’m a college student I’m looking to use sarms for the first time ever
the two sarms that I’m most interested in are going to be lgd4033 and s23 of course
those two are the most popular sarms that are being used on campus and a lot of guys are getting really huge and big on them.
Also saw that...
used gw501516 and lgd4033 from 99purity.com and so far so good
I’m on 20mgs a day gw and 25mgs lgd
its been a terrible cycle so far
I’m getting a lot of side effects including my heart rate zooming up and I have no energy during the day
I’m beginning to suspect this stuff is fake
need some help with sarms
my joints have been screwed up for the past 8 weeks
need some help with fish oil and getting things back on track
I’m currently 5’8’’ 158 pounds and 12% body fat
read good things about ostarine mk2866
I think I’ll be down to using it 50 milligrams a day what Can I stack...
looking to do sarms for 9 weeks
I’m 22 and built nice, solid frame and 6’1’’ 180 pounds.
Looking to run some sarms.
My stack is gonna look like this:
9 weeks lgd4033 25mgs a day
4.5 weeks rad140 20mgs a day
would this work for bulking? I want to gain about 20 pounds or so
I’m new to the PED world. Read a lot of stuff about mk677 and heard it works good for size. I’m 6’1’’ 175 pounds and want to get bigger from here. I train at a pretty hardcore gym and see some big MOFO’s around me all the time who are strong.
Should I run 50mgs of the mk677 and some lgd? Would...
So I have some kits of hgh and I can always get more.
My main goals are to improve my fat loss, skin, and build lean muscle mass.
Looking to use growth hormone and go probably 1-2iu’s per day. Should I aim to use it for three months and then re-evaluate things or should I set a goal to run it...
100% fake sarms from swisschems and crappy customer service
I’ve been on their GW for the past eight weeks and my heart rate is elevated and I’m losing a lot of endurance and getting very sweaty when I eat carbs. Seems like this stuff is really DNP or clen or some stimulant and not even GW.
I know you’re not supposed to use steroids at a higher body fat but what about sarms?
With sarms would work for someone like me who is trying to get back into shape and is about 25% body fat in 270 pounds?
I was thinking of using gw501516 as my base. But not sure how else to run this cycle for...
37 yrs old, 5’10’’ 210 pounds and 17% body fat
I know the 2 best sarms for fat loss are sr9009 and gw501516. But my question is when it comes to using sarms don’t they all burn fat well or is that just a myth?
I was thinking of doing ostarine and s4 for example. Would 25mgs of each for 4 weeks...
currently 155 pounds I’m 30 years old and I’m around five foot six.
I put on about 10 pounds over the past year but my gains have stalled I’m looking to keep pushing higher and bulk up a little bit I don’t mind any water retention.
What do you think about this stack?
Nutrobal mk677 25mgs/day 12...
Not much talk on here for using sarms and sports which is both disappointing and surprising
there is a long list of professional athletes who have been busted for using them so I’m curious how those of you on here who do other sports besides bodybuilding or weight training are using them. I’m...
my plan is to use epitalon at a beginner dosage
gonna be trying to hit 75 micrograms per day
want to get the antioxidant benefits and also get some cell regeneration
just getting tired of all the damn injuries and the recovery problems that I’ve been experiencing and I think a good detox like...
I’m looking to shred up on sarms for the summer. Want that beach body look with washboard abs. Please give me some tips on what you would recommend.
I’m 6’2’’ and 217 pounds, I’m lean everywhere except around my stomach.
Please give me a cycle that would work for me? I’m 22 years old. I train 6x...
reached out to warrior labs for their sarms and the guy I was dealing with did not have patience with me. Yes I emailed them several times but wasn’t getting any responses to the first few emails. Guy on monday messaged me back and was yelling at me saying how I was annoying.
This is some crappy...
six foot 2
138 pounds and very lean probably around 7%
24 years old
I’m a very skinny guy and I would like to use sarms in the future
going for 20mgs a day of lgd4033 and rad140 10mgs a day. Heard they are good bulkers. Question is if I add in sr9009 will that be a waste of time for me or will I...
Hoping to do a nice little recomping where I cut and put on muscle.
my stats are 42 years old and I’m five foot seven and 170 pounds
What would you recommend I run here? I have cardarine gw501516 as one of my options. I think I want to go with it. The 2 other sarms I want to run are something to...