so far I am doing a bulk cycle using sustanon and NPP together
I’m a couple weeks into it and the appetite is way up
my dosages are 500mgs sust and 400mgs NPP
how do I manage the weight gain that I am experiencing And what advice can you give me when it comes to food intake. Should I just eat as...
So I have a big cycle coming up next late spring/early summer
for now would like to run a steroid cycle that isn’t too bad
would you choose anavar + light test
would you go with dbol + sustanon
my goals are to do something for just 8 weeks, cause the cycle I am planning will be about 16-20...
Just got off my cycle of geneza pharma sustanon and dbol
incredible cycle!
Put on about 20 pounds in 10 weeks
ran dbol 20mgs a day then upped it to 30mgs
then I ran sustanon 500mgs a week.
Felt amazing on cycle, crazy good libido and amazing workouts. I will be back for more
So my source doesn’t have test cyp or E in stock right now. He said he won’t get more until after the New Year and I don’t want to wait
he recommended I get sustanon and offered me a buy 3 get 1 free deal
thinking of picking up four vials of it
do you think this is an appropriate option for a...
I’m so excited to give you the results of my recent geneza pharma cycle
my review as follows:
used GP anavar, GP sustanon, and GP tren
starting stats were:
167 pounds and 9% body fat
ending stats were:
172 pounds and 7% body fat
also my strength went up 20-30% on all my major lifts
overall I...
I’m gonna be doing my next steroid cycle, let me know what you think please
I would like to put on 5-10 pounds of moderate muscle mass. Don’t mind some fat or water
34 years old and I weight 203 pounds and 6’2’’
12% body fat
looking at using sustanon this time. This will be my 3rd cycle
I'm looking to use a couple steroids. Sustanon and test E are the ones i want to try
Looking to get on 300mgs of each per week. The sust i got comes in 300mg/ml so that is what i will take 1CC per week along with the test E
Do i need an Ai with this?
I’m 28. 2nd cycle. 5’9’’ 158 pounds
So I've decided to start bulking and adding some heftier muscle mass
I'm currently 6’6’’ in 217 lb and I would like to get up to about 240
not really concerned with strength because I don't train heavy. but I would like something that will help conserve my soft tissues
A good stack i was...
I’m looking to run something to help with pure strength
That is all i care about
I'm also not looking to put on a lot of weight in terms of body weight cause i already weigh 270 pounds. I’m 6’3’’ and 20% body fat
which is the best steroid to use if you have to choose between sustanon, superdrol...
I’m gonna be using deca durabolin this next cycle
Its my 2nd one i have done
First one was sustanon and tbol
For this one i wanted to keep the sust and tbol but add in deca
I’m gonna do 500mgs of the sustanon and 400mgs of the deca. That is 900mgs total
I don’t think its too much right for...
What are gonna be the best 3 steroids to use for bulking?
I’m currently around 6’2’’ and 178 pounds
I’ve got room to fill out without being fat. I'm super lean and I train around 4 to 5 times a week
I'm 27 years old
My friend wants me to go on sustanon, equipoise and deca together
would these...
I'm looking to get my statistics better when it comes to my strength training
I'm currently 6'1 in and I weigh 112 kg and 29 years old
my record bench is 150 kg
record squat is 165 kg
and my record deadlift is over 200 kg
my body fat is around 16%
. I'm really interested in doing a sustanon250...
overall i’m happy with the products i have ordered from this source. They Are very fast to shift and when it gets delivered it's like Christmas over again. I will definitely order from them again my favorite thing about them is the quality gear and also how easy it is to order straight off their...
When I was 20 years old I ran my first cycle. I was very young at the time and knew that I was playing with fire. after that cycle I did not touch steroids for 5 years.
fast forward to today and through watching my friends screw up I've realized that I should use steroids the smart way
I'm now...
Just looking to get all my ducks in a row
I’m gonna be using sustanon for my first cycle
Already know about AI’s and all that
also I put together my post Cycle Therapy. the only thing I am missing is supplements that I'm supposed to be using on and then off cycle
my main goal is to put on muscle...
How would you stack anadrol in the following cycle?
My goals are bulking
I’m 5’8’’ and 175 pounds. 12% body fat and 44 years old
Training 4-5x per week. Even on weekends most times
And eating 3300 cals per day
So far i am on sustanon 500mgs a week
Dianabol 30mgs a day
Not happy with my results...
So i decided to change things up and get bigger
I have always been a smaller guy. 5’7’’ and 145 was my starting weight. I got into weight training for 2 years and gained about 20 pounds and was benching close to 245.
A friend told me about steroids and suggested napsgear. So i ordered some...
28 years old, 5’6’’ and 195 pounds. 12% body fat
I can already bench 420 pounds and my squat is 600+. My goals are keeping strength and not losing it
I’m gonna follow a 2 shot a week plan for my cruise dose. The only thing i need help with is dosing information
Was thinking of a good plan of...
I'm having a lot of fun on my current geneza pharma cycle
Doing 500mgs a week of sustanon with equipoise at 250mgs a week
Also doing anavar with it
This is a very strong cycle and i’m enjoying it. I was getting a little too bloated so i ordered some adex to go with it too
Geneza pharma has...
I'm seeing some very strong boys who are using steroid lol
Looking to set some new PR’s too
My current PR on bench is 315 which is pretty strong for a natty i think who hasn’t touched gear in a decade
I weigh 242 pounds and i’m 6’4’’ with around 18% body fat and i’m 44 years old
My strength...