34 years old
5’9’’ 184 pounds, 12% body fat
Have used tren before, but sides can get nasty
I’m looking to do a longer cycle of steroids. 15 weeks maybe
My plan is 5 weeks of tren, mast and test. 250mgs of each
Then coming off the tren for 5 weeks while staying on mast and test
Then finishing the...
This review is for domestic supply trenbolone acetate, test prop and masteron prop
Ran all 3 together
Went into it at 12% body fat, now I’m down to 9%
Was 208 pounds and now went to 215 pounds.
So up 7 pounds in mass and down 3% in body fat. people are coming up to me and asking me what the heck...
Decided to try tren for the first time
Got their GP test cyp as my base for the cycle
And also got their GP tren E
Legit amazing brand and couldn’t be more happy. First time on tren i was scared
Heard a lot of horror stories but I ran 300 mg and did not have many issues at all besides the...
Thank you napsgear for another successful cycle!
I hit an all-time new personal record on the bench press I got up to 325 lb. I'm so happy that I was able to finally get there. I came so close to doing three plates and then once I got that done two weeks ago I increased the even further
I’ve got so far n2generate, n2guard, arimidex, and nolva
I’m also ordering cialis and caber as well
would like to have all my bases covered but need to make sure that I'm doing everything properly
I’m gonna be using trenbolone enanthate with winstrol
Tren dose is 500mgs a week
Winstrol dose is...
I have a love/hate relationship with tren as i think all people do
It makes me crazy strong and makes me into a beast
But the side effects are absolutely brutal. not just the things that are well known like sweating and that sort of thing. but my stomach has really been bothering me. I'm getting...
I'm looking to possibly try trenbolone for the first time ever. it's going to be more of a test run because I know it has a lot of side effects and I have some aggression issues. I've already been charged with battery twice and the next time I'm sure they will come down hard on me
I've used...
I play football at the collegiate level. Have been using steroids for 5 years
All of us use performance enhancing drugs that is a given in anyone who denies it is a flat-out liar
having said that I'm curious what would be the best thing to take pre-workout if you had to choose between cheque...
I’m 28 years old and I'm 208 lb and 5 ft 10 in
my body fat is around 15%
. I have been doing tren for 6 weeks and the fatigue is getting really bad. I'm only using 250 mg a week
the results have been fantastic though and i want to keep going on this cycle to 10 or 12 weeks
what can I do to help...
Some of the side effects that really are hard are the ones you can control
Trenbolone enanthate absolutely sucks for side effects. I’m 8 weeks deep in it and the results are outstanding but the sides are another factor. Hoping you can give me some tips to combat them
Blood pressure
I'm currently doing a few different steroids
I’m running primobolan, trenbolone and test Prop
The primo is 500mgs a week, tren is 200mgs a week and the prop i am doing at 50mgs a day
I am splitting up the primo dose 250mgs 2x per week
Problem is my sperm is just not there when I am ejaculating...
Wondering how it would work out if you were to take trenbolone at a super low dose for a long time. Like maybe a year straight vs. trt. So in that case i would drop my TRT and just take tren instead. something like maybe 25 to 50 mg a week. what would happen to your health and what would happen...
I’m 6’1’’ and 214 pounds with 11% body fat
33 years old
Looking forward to doing trenbolone again
First time i did 200mgs with some testosterone and anavar and it worked out well
However i would like to push more this time
Should i do enanthate this time? And would it be okay to raise the dose...
I have done all three steroids separately and with other stacks, but never did EQ, trenbolone and testosterone all together
My plan is keeping things simple
Doing 250mgs of each so that would mean 750mgs total per week
I’m currently hovering close to 200 lb and I am around 6 ft 2 in tall. my...
just came off a trenbolone cycle 6 weeks ago
Nothing is stronger then tren and i don’t expect sarms to compete, but i would like to do something more mild this time so i’m gonna do sarms for 8 weeks
The 2 sarms i am most interested in is cardarine gw to improve my cardio back after tren...
Was a bit worried cause my post office was wiped out by a covid outbreak where half the employees were out sick
Lucky for me napsgear was fast enough to beat the clock on that
I ordered 5 vials of tren enanthate and 3 vials of masteron with it
Beautiful site when they arrived and i wasn’t even...
Been weight training since i was 10 years old and I'm taking this stuff very seriously
My goals are to take my physique to the next level and hopefully turn pro one day
My stats are 25 years old. 5 ft 10 in and I weigh 208 lb
this would be my third cycle my first two cycles were only 10 and 12...
decided to try the GP brand geneza pharma this time
used their deca durabolin and trenbolone together
Tren E 300mgs a week
Deca 400mgs a week
did it for around 10 weeks
after a couple weeks the effects really started to manifest themselves and I was able to rapidly put on muscle mass like you...
Increased body hair growth
Scalp hair Loss
Voice Changes
Increased Sexual Desire
Disclaimer: Above-stating content is provided for informational and educational purposes only. Before starting any type of program or treatment, it is advisable to seek advice from your health professional...