I’m starting to get some lagging to my workouts in the gym
I just feel like I’m exhausted and tired all the time and I think my testosterone levels are low
do you think if I were to use a testosterone boosting supplement that would be a good tell to see if that’s really the case
and which one do...
Not seeing many people talking about GHK anymore when it comes to recovery and joint help.
Looking to run anywhere from 1 or 2 mg per day for a month and see where I’m at from there
I’m in my mid-50s and I’ve been having a hard time recovering from my workouts
I’m also contemplating stacking...
I’m currently 42 years old and I’m 220 lbs and I’m 6’1”
its been YEARS since I used deca But I remember I felt really good on it back when I used it in my early 20s. I don’t remember if it helped my joints or not but I didn’t have that problem either back then I could go into the gym 7 days a...
curious about using Branch chain amino acids and when you’re supposed to use them as well
can you give me some brands that you trust that actually work and can you tell me when it comes to timing their use should I be using them when I workout or wait till after?
I really want to get the most...
Right now I’m training four times a week and I think that my results have been pretty good but I would like to add a fifth day reserved just for core work. Does anyone on here do something like that?
The workouts I would like to focus on on that core day our plank, box pushups, ab crunch...
So after I have a really hardcore workout especially on leg day with supplements do you recommend that I use
I’m really hoping you can give me some hope when it comes to my recovery and also putting on muscle mass
I’m very disappointed because I would like to get more gains but I’m not seeing...
I’m about to run anavar, winstrol and test/tren mix. Worried about pumps on this cycle because I do like to do a lot of cardio post-workout usually 45 minutes to even an hour.
How much taurine do I need on something like this?
Up into I take it before my workouts or I just take it in the morning...
So I went to a pilates class and I was surprised at how difficult it was even though I was obviously the most muscular and strongest person there I struggled more than anyone else
some of this skinny women there were able to do things that I couldn’t do like planks and holding AB poses
also my...
I’m looking to adjust my workouts and do more strength routines instead of General muscle gains
one of the tips that my trainer gave me was he wanted me to switch to 12 repetitions per set
this seems kind of high in my opinion do you agree with him?
Previously I was doing 15 reps
hello everybody I am in my late 50s and I am interested in getting a pre workout
I live in a retirement community and we have access to things like tennis and also the gym
I plan on working out everyday and putting in some time especially with my retirement coming up
sometimes though it’s hard...
I’m currently doing tren And I’m dealing with a lot of calf pumps.
I’m using 250 mg a week which I thought was a low dose. Do you have any idea why this is happening and what kind of supplements can I take to help with this? It’s killing my workouts.
I'm curious on how you approach weight training. let's say I'm doing a 4-day split where I'm hitting two different muscle groups per day and eight total
would I be better doing for straight days of workouts and then taking two days off. or should I do two days on and then take one day off that way?
Check out my next split i will be doing for 8 weeks
Day 1 will be legs and calves
Day 2 is shoulders and abs
Day 3 is triceps and chest
Day 4 is biceps and back
Day 5 is rest, day 6 is cardio. Day 7 is rest
how would you incorporate cardio during the split routine should I do it on my day off or...
Does such a thing exist as a caffeine free stimulant or no?
I would like to try something new before I train
I tend to lose a lot of energy and get tired during my workouts
I’m looking for the best weight lifting vitamins
I’m currently trying to feed my body when I need it
should I use these vitamins and minerals before my workouts or wait till I am done?
I've changed my workouts and I'm starting to work out more
I want you to tell me if you use vitamin pills every day to help boost the amount of vitamins that you get
I'm looking to finish sculpting my physique
what are the newest supplements that are coming out these days
I'm curious to find something that has a fair price and isn't that expensive
looking for something to boost my workouts. I have an issue with low energy I want something that can push myself hard
I'm getting kind of bored at the gym so I wanted to change up my workouts a little bit
what do you think about this new setup?
Sunday bench press and military press
Monday leg day
Tuesday cardio
Wednesday shoulders and back
Thursday off
Friday arms and abs
Saturday cardio
I had a question on if you had a bad night is it even worth training or should you
still go but just ease up on your workouts?
My baby was up all night sick the other day and I went and worked out anyway.
My workout was crap. I only managed 12 sets when I usually do 18-20 sets.
is there a different strategy to working out when you are trying to achieve lean muscle mass versus trying to achieve more of a bulking look? I notice in the gym strength trainers they tend to take a lot of time in between sets and guys like me do their workouts lot quicker