Saturday March 22 2025
Saturday was extremely busy at work so i didnt get out till late, by the time i made it into the gym it was 11:30pm i ended at 1:30am i didn't mind it though, my engery levels stayed consistent and up the whole workout tonight.
i will say i am extremely impressed with just running 250mg test cyp a week combined with 20mg proviron a day, my workouts have just been killer with this combination along with higher carb & higher protien protocol i am on.
lifts went up again, endurance is great, hitting 50lbs weighted ontop of my current bodyweight of 227.3lbs for dips, i was pumped about that the most. Ive been on fire lately coming back with vengeance after being sick.
Domestic Supply & Beligas has been nothing short of excellent for me and my progression inside the gym, truly happy and thankful for having acess to DS and superior quality gear.
here is my push day down below.
12&10 are my reps paired with two sets for all resistance training, abs are all done utilizing bodyweight and more overall reps. All lifts are in lbs.
Machine Incline Press 12/10(240,252)
Pec Dec 12/10(204,228)
Weighted Dips12/10( 227.3lbs+50lbs )
Incline Plate Press 12/10( 25,50 )
DB chest Isolation 12/10( 25,30 )
Machine Shoulder Press12/10( 150,160 )
Cable Side Raises 12/10( 30,35 )
DB Front Plate Rasies 12/10( 45,50 )
RopePushdown12/10(110,120 )
V-Grip Pressdown 12/10( 120,125 )
Standing French Press 12/10( 45,55 )
Reverse Grip Pushdown 12/10( 110,120 )
Single Arm Cable Kickback 12/10( 20,30 )
Hanging Leg Raises( 1x55 )
AB Roller Wheel ( 1x25 )
Hanging Knee-Ups( 1x25 )
Duration 40 minutes
Miles 2.18
Speed 3.0-3.3
Calories Burned 221