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40 years old and horny with sarms


I’m in my 40’s now and using sarms
I have gotten super horny using them
I’m on yk11 and using 40mgs a day
I was also using sr9009 too but stopped it
Is this normal?
I guess I have am not really sure LOL. I have not personally heard of SARMS increasing libido? I'm sorry but I never front if I am not for sure on something. Pretty awesome though right?!
YK11 has a potent effect on your sex drive. The androgenic activity increases libido, which boosts your sex drive while you stay on cycle. There is some evidence to show that YK11 acts on the sex drive in the same manner as DHT, increasing your sexual desire.
Sounds like Dylan is on it for you and hey man, i might try that stuff if it has that kind of effect lolllssss
I’m in my 40’s now and using sarms
I have gotten super horny using them
I’m on yk11 and using 40mgs a day
I was also using sr9009 too but stopped it
Is this normal?
yk11 could make you horny cut the dose to 10mgs/ed to level it out
high libido is good
YK11 can. Only use our forum approved sponsored sources like and umbrella labs!
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