Seated Curls 40s 3x8 good squeeze superset
Tricep Overhead press 50s 3x12 pause at bottom
Vbar pressdown stack +30 4x10 superset
Strict Curls alternating 30s 4x10
Spider Curls 25s single arm 3x10 superset
Laying tricep kickups 45s single arm 3x8
Behind back cable Curls 27.5 3x8 superset
Tricep extension singlearm 27.5 3x12
Curl machine single arm 100 3x10 +3 negatives
Dip machine 205 3x12
I have a massive hematoma on my calf so cardio is lacking. It's not a blood clot, I got an ultrasound to check. I think it's from incline walking for 2 hours last weekend. I'll stick with no incline once it heals, but my leg is purple from the calf down with a bright red, hard, spot on my calf.