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Approved Log Mobster - back on the grind log

418lbs from before Xmas
Holy smokes!!
Strolled in late thinking I was training solo and my buddy had been waiting for me to arrive lol. We both ended up killing it on bench press. Missed (just cos I couldn't do it) spotting a bodybuilder who had, last Friday, done 3 sets of 6-8 reps with 80kg/176lbs dumbbells on a flat bench (impressive stuff).
Close Grip Bench Press
140kg/308lbs flew up so quickly I thought we'd misloaded it. Worked to 172.5kg for 3 sets x 3 reps which may be a set/rep PB (I remember a vid of me doing 3 reps but not multiple sets of 3)

Low Cable Row
to 20p (eqv to 120kg/264lbs) x 20 reps med width handle

MiraFit 60mm Handle work
to set up +
LH: 85kg x 2 sets x 2 reps and 1 x 3 (1st set was hard - killed the last set)
RH: 87.5kg x 3 sets of x 3 solid reps
Bwt: 316lbs
Great update @Mobster
Needed to get my head in the game for Lever Squats but once I did it was on! The whole session, inc a warm up set on lever squats, was 10 sets total. I know that there are readers of my log who do that for biceps alone.
Lever Squats
105kg x 8 reps, 205kg x 8 reps, 335kg/737lbs x 4 reps

Iso Lever Leg Press (weight per side)
100kg x 8 reps, 190kg/407lbs x 6 reps

Lying Leg Curls
4p x 8 reps, 9p+2.5kg x 4 reps

Leg Extensions
1/2 stack x 8 reps, stack+12.5kg x 4 reps
Needed to get my head in the game for Lever Squats but once I did it was on! The whole session, inc a warm up set on lever squats, was 10 sets total. I know that there are readers of my log who do that for biceps alone.
Lever Squats
105kg x 8 reps, 205kg x 8 reps, 335kg/737lbs x 4 reps

Iso Lever Leg Press (weight per side)
100kg x 8 reps, 190kg/407lbs x 6 reps

Lying Leg Curls
4p x 8 reps, 9p+2.5kg x 4 reps

Leg Extensions
1/2 stack x 8 reps, stack+12.5kg x 4 reps
Those damn weights are beast level!
Starting to mentally prepare for tomorrows bench and the 800lbs Hatfield Squat now.
Dumbbell Curls
to 32.5kg x 9 reps

Tricep Pressdown
Rubber grips missing on the cambered bar... still got it done
to 18p x 6 reps (had to reset my feet as I moved on rep 4)

Standing BB Wrist Curls Forward
to 110kg/242lbs (a bit heavy but also a PB) x 4 reps
Needed to get my head in the game for Lever Squats but once I did it was on! The whole session, inc a warm up set on lever squats, was 10 sets total. I know that there are readers of my log who do that for biceps alone.
Lever Squats
105kg x 8 reps, 205kg x 8 reps, 335kg/737lbs x 4 reps

Iso Lever Leg Press (weight per side)
100kg x 8 reps, 190kg/407lbs x 6 reps

Lying Leg Curls
4p x 8 reps, 9p+2.5kg x 4 reps

Leg Extensions
1/2 stack x 8 reps, stack+12.5kg x 4 reps
@Mobster the TRUE man
Early to gym, (and my buddy was still already there ha ha). Possibly heaviest by volume with the working weight bench session ever. Slightly off at the end possibly as a result of chatting with a competing bodybuilder.
Close Grip Bench Press
to 175kg/385lbs x 3 x 3 reps (slightly out of the groove on rep 3 set 3). My backside was just about still touching the bench on sets 2 and 3.


Iso Lever Mid Rows
to 140kg/308lbs x 5 reps

MiraFit 60mm Handle
to set up plus
LH: 82.5kg x 3, 2 and F reps (see too much chatting here as I was also up against the clock at this point)
RH: 87.5kg x 3 x 3 reps
definitely going to be exciting
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