What are the best supplements to use in between my steroid cycles or if I were to do a sarm cycle would it make a difference which supplement to use
I am trying to keep what I put on and I'm worried that I might lose my muscle in between
I have been extremely sick for the past 3 months and my doctor has me on a liquid diet
so I have been consuming a lot of soup and things like weight gainers and protein shakes to keep my weight up
what are some of the best supplements I can add to my shakes to help conserve muscle while I am resting
I was wondering how you are supposed to mix up post workout supplements for max effect for recovery
I’m in my 40’s and I just don’t recover good the way I used to. I’m concerned it is effecting my gains and I want to see the best way to build more muscle
my favorite muscle to train is my biceps by far. How about you guys out there? Favorite muscle and why?
My concern to and question is how will I know if I am over training them. Someone told me you shouldn’t train your arms too much cause they are small muscles. True or false?
I've seen some research topics that said that full body workouts are better than split routines
they said it was better for hypertrophy and building more muscle
I'm not sure if it has more to do with someone's age or if it's over all
what are the top bodybuilders doing today to build muscle
I'm tired of taking protein powders they make me sick. Is there a protein and a pill that I can take that will give me the same benefits When I can't have a meal
worried about losing muscle since I dropped a protein powder
34 years old
5 ft 6 in
172 lb
goal is to gain muscle and lose fat. My body fat percentage is around 19%
my stack will be
rad 140
S4 andarine
is this a good stack for my goals and is 8 weeks be long enough