Road testing the F8 Widowmaker: I don't usually train Wednesdays but I've a tiny bit of work to do Friday and I bench then and didn't wanna be time limited so...
Anyway. In a chat with the late Julia Mills I'd asked how much a difference this triple ply slingshot would make to sleeve only 1RM (202.5kg right now). Approx 80kg. So I did my usual warm ups then did a quick n easy 180kg with my Maddog single ply. Then the F8 went on and with Nathan and Gareth Parkman spotting me of we went.
With this on I couldn't unrack the bar. And I had to get Nathan to yank on my left hand and pull it into position with both hands a few inches wide than my norm. All new for me I always unrack myself and use a kind of close grip. Slingshots force the bar lower down than normal (more belly than the bottom of my sternum).We tried 200, 220 and 240kg and at no point did the bar actually touch my chest lol. I think it's gonna be 260 or 270kg to get it to my chest. And it's gonna be 280 or even 300kg benched for one 'equipped' with this bit of kit.
Bench Press
See above
Low Cable Row - Close Grip Mag Grip Handle
8p x 20 reps, 16p x 20 reps, 20p (eqv to 120kg/264lbs in the hands) x 20 reps